The best of the week in Babies and more: from August 3 to 9

Like every start of the week, we bring you the most outstanding contents that we have published in the blog in recent days. Last week was marked by the celebration of World Breastfeeding Week, so many of our contents are focused on it, a breastfeeding that we encourage and promote by providing quality information.

We have started explaining why weaning the baby when starting work is not recommended. We have also talked about what mothers need to make it possible to breastfeed and work and we have shown you the most beautiful breastfeeding photos to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week and the photos of Melissa Jean that Instagram censored for considering them provocative.

We recommend the best oral contraceptives during breastfeeding, we comment that an informed breastfeeding is a successful breastfeeding and that many find it hard to believe, companies also benefit from breastfeeding.

On topicality, we have commented on the case of a 10-year-old swimmer debuting at the Kazan World Cup and the controversy opens: precocious children or demanding parents? and other stories that have moved us: that of a woman who was told that she should have an abortion because the cancer was very advanced and she decided to listen to her baby to make the decision and that of a man who surprises his wife announcing that! is pregnant

We show you the video of an incredible hospital delivery: your baby brings five laps of cord and they do not help him and we show you the places where we can have sex if we collect with the baby.

We also introduce you to the "mombies", mothers who dream of sleeping a whole night and talk about that moment in which the children are messing with it and instead of doing something you say: "I already passed".

And finally, if you are going to travel these days, a lot of attention because child seats misused in the car are more common than we think.

These are some of the content we have offered you last week. Attentive because this we bring you more interesting things. Good week!

Video: Daniela loses her baby. Kadenang Ginto Recap With Eng Subs (July 2024).