How breastfeeding helps you recover your figure after childbirth

After approximately 40 weeks in which your body has been changing little by little and experiencing that wonderful feeling of putting a face on it and having your baby in your arms, it is time to try to impose routines, schedules and tune-ups in your new life as a mother One of the concerns that mothers usually have, especially first-time ones, is to know if they are going to recover your pre-pregnancy figure. Losing weight should not be a priority in this new stage of your life, but it is to be healthy, comfortable with yourself and dedicate as much time as possible to your baby. With these tips you can gradually recover your figure as the months progress.

Hurry out

Our first recommendation is that take it easy and don't despair It is a process that requires time and in which, as in everything, every woman is a world and recovers differently. Although the media are determined to sell us women with miraculously recovered bodies in a matter of days, the reality is not the same and neither is it as advisable nor as healthy. We must bear in mind that the period of time known as "quarantine", that is, the first 6 weeks after the birth of the baby, is not the most appropriate to start considering diets and / or exercises.

Breastfeeding, key in postpartum recovery

One of the many virtues that has to opt for breastfeeding to feed your baby is precisely to help the body return to its weight as soon as possible, since the woman uses her accumulated fat deposits during pregnancy for milk production. According to the WHO, breastfeeding helps women recover their pre-pregnancy weight more quickly and reduce obesity rates, so if we want to return to our figure, one of our recommendations is to enjoy prolonged breastfeeding.

You should keep in mind that if you decide on breastfeeding, it is not advisable to diet in an uncontrolled way because at this stage of your life you need to pass many nutrients through the milk that you generate to your baby that could be lost if you do not eat food adequate. The diet, now more than ever, should be balanced and rich in calcium, iron, iodine, fiber ... Your best friends will be the fruit, vegetables and water that will keep you hydrated, will help you fight against fluid retention and also , to prevent premature aging.

In continuous movement

Once the first phase, the quarantine phase, is completed, it is time to consider doing some physical activity, but not everything goes. Your body has not yet recovered and the pelvic muscle, both because of the weight it has endured during pregnancy and the effort made during childbirth if it has been natural, remains weakened so it is not convenient to opt for sports that require sudden movements and impact like running or jumping. The introduction of sport should be progressive, advisable Short walks to activate circulation and muscles and exercises to recover the pelvic floor.

From short walks to long walks

From the first day of the baby's life outside the hospital, it is highly recommended to take it for a walk, because the contact with the outside favors the development of his senses and, in addition, it is a perfect exercise for the mother. Your ideal companion for these outings will be the Echo Deep Blue stroller. Approved for use from the first day of your baby's life (0m), it has a completely reclining rigid backrest with up to four positions and a footrest also reclining in two positions. Its solid structure and 8 wheels make it the perfect ally for daily walks. It has a sun visor that can become an umbrella and a protective transverse barrier. It folds easily and is easy to transport.

Strengthening the pelvic floor

In a natural birth, all the pelvic floor muscles make a considerable effort that can lead to a weakening of the same. For this reason, it is important to strengthen it as soon as possible to avoid suffering in a future urinary incontinence. Kegel exercises They were invented by Dr. Arnold Kegel in order to help women re-tone their pelvic muscles. The basis of these exercises is based on learning to control and relax the pelvic muscle in order to strengthen it. Perhaps the most complicated is to identify the muscle but once located you can do the exercises where and when you want without anyone knowing. In this article you have some perfect practical examples for beginners.

Once you master Kegel exercises and walks with your baby are part of your daily routine, you can try other sports such as exercise bike or swimming, as well as practicing Pilates, perfect sport to continue strengthening the muscles.

With the help of breastfeeding and some of these physical activities, surely your body will gradually be molded, toned and strengthened until it returns to normal.

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