Time with grandparents, time of love that nests in the memory

Once I read a phrase that was recorded on me, "grandparents should be eternal." Well, I don't know if it would be a good idea or not that of eternity, but it is true that every child should be able to enjoy a childhood near their grandparents.

There are times when we don't remember our parents as the best parents in the world, however they can leave us with their mouths open and wondering, were these my parents? The answer is simple, now they don't play parents anymore, now they are grandparents. That's why I have no doubt, for my children Time with grandparents is a time of love that nests in the memory and it will comfort us when they are gone.

There are two generations of difference, everyone would say that they would be condemned to never understand each other and yet they are attracted like magnets, they look for and fit together as if one were born to complete the other in the final stretch of their days.

There are many things that change meaning over time

It's not that your parents have been abducted at some time between your adolescence and the birth of your child, just the passage of time makes you see things with other perspectives, a grandson is also a new opportunity that life gives you to amend mistakes, now the worries are not the same, although they are still important (especially for many grandparents in this country and many others who are forced to continue fighting for their children), but now they are no longer parents, the weight of the education of their grandchildren is not on their shoulders as they had with their children, now you can stand and watch, to accompany those little ones in the beginning their life, from discovery to discovery and share with them every moment.

My father once told me that before life and society made you feel compelled to act in one way and not another, but now society has changed, although not so much, but they no longer care what others think, they already have that age, that wisdom that gives life, to understand that only those you love should care.

For a child, grandparents are those figures who do what they do will always defend them, they are those who have enough patience to enjoy a snail race while they return home from school, they are the ones who say yes to many of their crazy things , are those who are always willing to make them a source of their favorite food.

They are not perfect, but they know from experience that it is not necessary to be perfect to educate happy children.

The images belong to Alina Gabrel, a photographer who wanted to document her children's relationship with her grandfather, whom she did not remember as a great father, but who has turned out to be the best grandfather for her children.

I know there are many grandparents who have never known how to connect with their grandchildren or perhaps who have never wanted to do it, something that is a real shame. I hope things change.

How is the relationship between your children and their grandparents? Is it like yours?

Video: Clean vines you can show your grandparents (May 2024).