This is how millennial moms give birth

Let's start at the beginning. Although we are reluctant to labels, many of us fit headlong into the definition of millennial mom. Let's see, what are millennial moms? They are women born between 1978 and 1994 (year, year less) interested in technology, very connected and always at the forefront, who are also mothers.

Millennial moms are active users of social networks, use the internet to find out about everything that interests them, and mostly, because they are close to being mothers or have been, especially related to pregnancy, childbirth and maternity. This trend has made millennial moms face more secure and informed at one of the most important moments of their lives, that of being a mother. If you want to meet how millennial mothers give birth, continue reading.

Mothers informed and sure of what they want

The Hospital de Manises (Valencia) has prepared a report on the more than 10,000 births that it has attended in the last seven years and in which it includes the changes of tendency in motherhood.

The new millennial moms exceed thirty, are informed about motherhood and childbirth, know which analgesic option they will choose and are much more aware of the importance of breastfeeding. They arrive at motherhood later, in the tonic of the previous generation, but They arrive very informed and aware of the process. They know what they want and convey their needs.

Aware of breastfeeding

As for breastfeeding, information is essential for successful breastfeeding, and the network is full of quality information to achieve it. Of the 10,000 deliveries in 2015, 85% of mothers opted for breastfeeding versus artificial, a percentage that has been growing since 2009 gradually.

Towards a more humanized birth

The choice of epidural anesthesia is consolidated, although the option of natural delivery also grows moderately and already accounts for 7% of the total deliveries attended at the Hospital. Recall that the hospital of Manises has since 2014 a 'House of Births' where women can give birth in a more welcoming way, with alternative analgesic means such as bathtub and hot showers for dilation, freedom of movement, choice of posture to give birth or emotional support during the process. In short, a more humanized birth.

Millennial mothers are optimistic, connected, know experiences of other mothers and receive their support through the networks. This, unfailingly, also influences the time of delivery. They arrive more prepared and safer than they want. They prepare their birth plan and communication with the specialist is always very fluid. Do not shut up. They ask They are informed. And above all, they are aware that childbirth is an extremely important process in which the absolute protagonists are the mother and the baby.

Video: The Worst Parts of Childbirth  Wine Mom (June 2024).