Jani is 10 years old and has just won $ 10,000 after hacking Instagram

Yes, it is a prodigy that is undeniable but also Jani is an honest boy although it may not seem like it.

Jani is 10 years old and has just earned her first 10,000 dollars in an honest way, after hacking Instagram, that is also true.

His case is very peculiar, it is true and yet it is a reality that children can learn very quickly to handle both in social networks and in programming languages ​​and in information technologies.

Jani is a 10 year old boy, Finnish For more signs and obviously a lover of programming and new technologies, something that increasingly attracts more children and is increasingly recommended by experts in the field.

Jani has managed to hack the social network Instagram at 10, understanding by hacking to have managed to enter this network and delete the comments and descriptions of any photo of any user, even joking that he could have deleted any comment from the account of Justin Bieber or any other celebrity.

It is also true that once hacked, Jani decided that the best thing he could do with what he had achieved was tell the owner of this social network since 2012, Marck Zuckerberg, yes the creator of Facebook bought Instagram four years ago.

He sent him an e-mail detailing the security flaw in his system point by point that he had found from his home computer.

A couple of days later it was Jani who received an email from Instagram informing him that the bug had been corrected and that as a thank you for telling him, they gave him $ 10,000 with which the 10-year-old thinks to buy a new bicycle, among other things.

Yes, Jani had committed a crime, had violated the security of a social network and therefore that of the users but nevertheless there was no malice in his action and it is always preferable to have these happy young hackers Marck should have thought when he created Facebook's "Bug Bounty" program, with which anyone who discovers a vulnerability in the company code and makes it known without damaging it or its users, will receive an economic reward like the one Jani has received.

No, Jani has not been the only one but for the moment he may have been the last to receive that economic reward. In December 2015 it was Wesley Wineber who also discovered a bug on Instagram and was also rewarded for it.

You know, the next time your child asks for your computer ... beware of passwords!

Video: Instagram Hacked By 10-Year-Old Whiz Kid (July 2024).