First aid for parents: should we be more prepared?

They are the nightmare of every father and mother, just to imagine that our children suffer an accident is to start to shake. And yet, this is the last thing we should do in case of a child accident. With good first aid preparation we can save our son's life, but are we prepared for it?

Shouldn't parents have better training in first aid care? The basic training that I have received has not been as a mother, but as a teacher (and in a voluntary workshop), but I do not remember that some kind of preparation is offered in the childbirth preparation classes or in the hospitals in the area .

And this is what I think we should claim, a first aid training offer for parents, to know how to act in case of choking, burns, intoxication ... and ultimately of any domestic accident. In addition, these courses that cost so much to find (and more if we look for something that is free) offer the necessary recommendations to make the home a safe environment, so we would surely prevent more than a scare ...

First aid courses can be taught in social centers, health centers, hospitals, schools, childbirth preparation classes ... However, they are not very common and less free of charge as we have said, in a time of restrictions, when Economy and health are not going through their best moment. Have you been lucky enough to attend any of these courses or have you heard about them in your environment?

All people who care for children or work with them should have some basic first aid notions: the realization of word of mouth, or cardiac massage for resuscitation, the release of clogged airways, basic cures ... This way we gain valuable time. before the emergency services arrive.

In addition, although we cross our fingers to avoid seeing ourselves in a similar situation, we must not trust ourselves and think that child accidents are strange or minor, that they only happen to others, since, on the contrary, they are very frequent and cause many injuries and deaths every year.

In any case, remember that in the event of an accident or damage to our children we must remain calm, protect the child and notify 112. Yes, until emergency services arrive, we can perform first aid maneuvers, better than better. And, in many cases, a minute can make the difference between life and death for an injured child. We leave you with the essential first aid topics that we have discussed in Babies and more.

First aid for parents

Photos | iStock and Ada Wilkinson on Flickr-CC
In Babies and more | Protect, warn and help: how to act in a child accident, An application for first aid in cardiopulmonary resuscitation: Pediatric CPR

Video: First Aid: How to Prepare a First Aid Kit (July 2024).