They were best friends at an orphanage in China, they were adopted and now they are neighbors

An orphanage is not the ideal place for a child, so a best friend who makes the stay more bearable is something you never forget. Hannah, 4, and Dada, three, shared an orphanage in China since they had a few months waiting for the moment when a family adopted them. Hannah left first. It was adopted by a Texas family (United States) who went after her, leaving her friend at the orphanage. They did not know that life would reunite them.

Eleven months later, Dada was also adopted by a Texas family. The girl went to meet her friend at the airport with her new family, and when they met they could not hide their happiness. "They must have hugged about 400 times," the parents said. Now they live just five minutes away.

They are more than best friends. They have been together practically since they were born and shared the same adoptive weekend mother who was going to spend time with them. Among them they are called "brother" and "sister". They were his only family for years and separating should not have been easy for anyone.

Hannah's adoptive parents quickly realized the close relationship between them. The love they had was evident. In the photos that came to them through the adoption agency, the children were always playing together or holding hands.

The girl's mother could not stop thinking about that boy and decided to make her story public on Facebook. Through a mutual friend, Amy and her husband, parents of three children, were moved by the child's situation and they decided to adopt it.

Less than a year later, they met again forever. Thanks to them, parents have become good friends and children can continue to share a lot of time together. They even joke that maybe in the future they are legally a family.

Video: Toddlers Who Were Best Friends In China Are Now Neighbors In Plano (July 2024).