What happens when it is your own parents who fail to breastfeed your baby in public?

We have seen on occasion that some mothers have been invited to withdraw from public places or to cover up to feed their babies. Faced with a normal and natural fact such as breastfeeding a child, there are many people who are still scandalized, as if it were an act of provocation or exhibitionism. We are used to seeing advertising photos of underwear in which some breasts are seen, but seeing them in a mother who breastfeeds her baby is still questionable.

When a woman decides to breastfeed her baby, she needs the support of her environment, whether she does it privately in a room in her house or in public in a restaurant. But What happens when some of the closest people in your environment, Like your own parents, do you rebuke that you breastfeed your baby in public?

Daughter, cover yourself

This is what happened to Kelly Syanley, a 23-year-old mother with her 9-month-old baby, and of course, with her parents.

As with most recent parents, she and her husband barely left home since their daughter was born, so her parents they invited them for dinner one night to an elegant restaurant in your city.

At one time during dinner, the girl was irritable and her mother put it to her breast to calm her, as she usually does, wherever she is. His father took a napkin and tried to cover it. Kelly asked why he did it and he told her to cover herself, while her mother told her she was being inconsiderate with people who didn't want to see that in a restaurant.

Kelly felt humiliated by the gesture of disapproval of her parents and decided to share it on social networks, where she received numerous samples of support.

What to do in a similar case

There are many people who will say what you should do with your baby when he is born, when he is hungry, when he cries or has a tantrum. But you know what? The only important thing is what you think is best for your baby. And if breastfeeding is a choice you have made and it doesn't bother you to do it in public, then go ahead.

What the opposite neighbor thinks about raising your children will not matter much to you, but when they are your own parents, it hurts more. To make it clear what your way of breeding and avoid friction of this type in the future, the most sensible is to talk with them about the matter.

  • Find the best time and talk to them quietly
  • Explain to them what your form of parenting is and why you would like them to understand you. Not that they share it, but they respect it.
  • Talk about breastfeeding and the baby's right to be fed when asked.
  • Explain to them your right to breastfeed your baby wherever you touch, even in an elegant restaurant, and not to cover yourself if you don't want to.
  • Maybe they didn't choose it for you, but it's the way you conceive parenting for your children.
  • Explain that the problem is who I see something dirty in a mother who breastfeeds her baby, not the woman and much less the baby.

Has something similar ever happened to you? Whether about breastfeeding your baby or any other aspect of parenting, Have you ever had problems with your parents because of the way you raise your children?

Photos | iStockphoto and @ kellymarie-yoga
Via | The Huffington Post
In Babies and more | "If you don't like it, don't look": actress Mila Kunis defends breastfeeding in public, Normalizing breastfeeding: 12 photos of mothers breastfeeding in public places

Video: Breastfeeding Position and Latch (July 2024).