11 tips for the baby to have sweet dreams (and we)

The family grows and we finally have the baby with us at home. Go ahead that we will be tired. To the exhaustion of childbirth the adaptation to the new member of the family is added, that seems not to understand of schedules. Not to eat, or to sleep, or to cry, or to change diapers ... Every baby is a world and we have no magic methods to sleep, but we can try 11 "tricks" that will help you have sweet dreams.

The baby may not need many hours of sleep (at night or at least) but what he does need at all times is to feel protected, feel close, feel that he is not alone and that mom and dad are there to accompany him, by day and at night Given this premise, there are some tips that could help keep the baby calm and rest. And with him, we.

And although you will be willing to know these "tricks", another issue to consider before veils is that a baby does not sleep all night. You need to wake up several times throughout the night, it is healthy and necessary for breastfeeding, since you need to feed without leaving much time between taking and taking.

Tips for the baby to sleep well

  • Sleep in the same room as your baby. This will allow you to be aware of the signs that you are hungry (before crying, when it is too late) and, almost effortlessly, put it to your chest, practically while we continue to sleep. Also if you have to change the diaper we will have it closer: leave everything ready by hand before going to bed. This advice also serves to prevent sudden infant death syndrome.

  • Always attend to the baby's cry. There are many reasons for this: to calm him down, mitigate his fear, hunger, pain, give him confidence ... and in this way the child may calm down and fall asleep. Although not immediately, we must not let it into a spiral of crying in any case, which would increase our nervousness and the development is assured.

  • Breastfeed, as WHO recommends, request, without schedules, without setting the alarm during the day or night, without spacing the shots too much or lengthening them to the fullest so that the baby does not get hungry at night, although remember that the first months have to be fed every few hours. In the event that the baby bottle feed, give it on demand too and leave them prepared at night before bedtime.

  • Procure quiet before bed. Ambient the room with a very soft light or in the dark if the baby is calm. We can do a massage, play quiet, soft music ... This tip also works when they grow up: then, in addition, you have to avoid television, computer or tablets before going to bed.

  • Sleep with your baby: The recommendation of pediatricians is for the baby to sleep in the same room as the parents but in their own crib to avoid the risk of suffocation. The cribs that are attached to the parents' bed are ideal for this. What greater peace of mind for the baby than feeling close to mom and dad!

  • Rock the baby, rock it or swing it in your lap with a smooth and monotonous movement, continuous. Take a comfortable position (because we can have a good time this way) and in a few minutes you will see the baby calm down (and probably you also fall into Morpheus' arms).

  • Babysitters or lullabies have an amazing power to calm babies, with their monotonous and gentle rhythm, with their rhymes ... This loudness exerts a reassuring influence on the little ones.

  • Procure the baby is comfortable, that is not cold or hot, that there is not too much bedding or too little, that the diaper is clean so you don't have to change it right away because you wake up from the humidity ... And of course you sleep in a smoke-free room. That the baby is not too hot, that there is no loose bedding or that is away from tobacco also reduces the risk of sudden death.

  • A relaxing bath before sleep. If your baby likes bath time, he will relax and before bedtime it can be a good time. Have everything ready for this special moment. On the contrary, if your baby does not like bathing, or what he does is to wake him up, it must be left for when he is well awake, during the day.

  • Mom, dad or both lie down. If the baby's dream has become impossible, not to lose patience you have to take turns when trying. When one seems to have run out of ideas, the other may come "to the rescue." In this way, the baby will also get used to the fact that the two are close at bedtime and to attend to him.

  • Follow the routine that works best for you. Every baby is a world, but if one day something of what we have done seems to work with our little one so that he sleeps more calmly, why not keep doing it? The time, the lighting, the song, the caresses… everything prior to a repaired dream should be repeated whenever possible.

To you, which of these tips for the baby to sleep well do they work for you A lot of patience for those who have not yet managed to rest a few hours in a row. Everything comes and we have to adapt to the rhythm of the baby, no matter how tired it is, taking care of it properly. Recent dads and moms are made of another paste, when it seems they are going to faint, forces come out of nowhere. And it is what the baby needs, to have us close.

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | The safest way to sleep for babies is in their crib, on their backs and near their parents' bed, pediatricians recommend, how many hours of sleep do children need according to their age?

Video: Five Tips To Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night (April 2024).