The pasta that children like so much: what it gives them and 11 recipes to prepare it even better

If there is a dish that is a success among children, that is anyone who has pasta. Macaroni with tomato and cheese, spaghetti Bolognese, noodles with carbonara sauce, ... how many children do you know who do not love these dishes and many others?

We talked about the delicious pasta, the pasta that children like so much: what it gives them and how to prepare it To make it more palatable and even healthier.

There are many options and We bring you 11 very tasty recipes, beyond the tomato sauce and of course, far from the inedible macaroni or spaghetti from the children's menus of many restaurants.

This week the World Pasta Day (October 17) and today we come loaded with ideas, proposals and information about this food. We consume it a lot but we could consume it better and know it a little more, especially thinking about the health of our family.

Talking about pasta is talking about wheat flour in its vast majority. The dry pasta that we buy in the supermarket is usually wheat flour, we may sometimes buy the one that also carries egg or even to which vegetables have been added in its composition.

If we go around the package and read the amount of vegetables that wears the same, it makes us laugh or directly, we leave the package on the shelf again.

Homemade pasta

One of the most entertaining activities we can do at home with our children is to prepare homemade pasta. It could not be simpler and there is a tremendous difference between the taste of the dried pasta purchased and that of the fresh pasta made by yourself, with the addition that in addition to the homemade pasta you can add spices or sauces to make it Even more original. From the base recipe, the possibilities are endless, whatever our palate asks us.

It is not mandatory to have the machine to prepare it but since Christmas is approaching, the same is a good idea as a gift. This you have on Amazon at € 26'41

Good carbohydrates

If we can, since we get into flour to make our own pasta, it would be very good to choose whole wheat flour or what is the same: complex carbohydrates, slow assimilation that provide vitamins and minerals that the body is absorbing little by little and that are much healthier for the whole family, older and younger.

Carbohydrates are essential for day-to-day life, especially for children, who have physical activity at school, who then practice sports, who do not stop growing at every minute and who also have a continuous and constant intellectual activity. Carbohydrates provide them with the essential energy for all this and if they are even more integral because they add vitamins and amino acids found in the grain husk.

Eleven pasta recipes

Once we have introduced the pasta made with whole wheat flour in our diet, we can start to accompany it with other ingredients beyond the tomato or the minced meat of the traditional Bolognese sauce that are very good but can become a bit boring if they are Our only option.

  • Pasta with vegetables is a healthy and delicious option, such as these fettuccine with zucchini and dried tomatoes that are to suck your fingers. Because adding vegetables to a pasta recipe is a healthy and tasty option, such as these fettuccine with zucchini and dried tomatoes that are to suck your fingers.

  • We can also add nuts to a pasta recipe like this one that has red pesto and nuts, we must be careful if our children are too small for nuts before offering them a recipe like this.

  • And some fish or seafood for a change? Tuna is always an ideal companion for pasta and if we also add some vegetables it is even more delicious or of course, the clams give a special flavor to spaghetti with green sauce. Black olives and anchovies are two of the main ingredients of this delicious pasta recipe.

  • For more adventurous palates, avocado spicy sauce can be a challenge or these other tartufo ravioli for a different family meal or even some spaghetti with cauliflower and a spicy touch that we will have to measure a lot, depending on the diners because not all children They like the spicy taste.

  • The delicious spaghetti carbonara the real ones, those that do not have cream but beaten egg, are a must at home and are so easy to prepare that it does not give any laziness.

  • And for the more traditional, we cannot leave the macaroni with chicken and sausage out of this list that will surely bring us more of a memory of when we were the children at the table.

You see that we can consider that pasta dishes are on our table a day or two a week as long as we take into account some tips to make them complete and healthy dishes and to stop relating them to being overweight. We are talking about balanced food for the whole family and on top of a meal that is very successful among our children, something that is not always easy to achieve.

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Ibili 773100 - Machine for fresh pasta, 21.4 x 17.8 x 14 cm

Today in Amazon for € 29.03

Video: 4 Meals Anyone Can Make (July 2024).