Eleven intimate photographs of a home birth taken by the father

The Brazilian photographer Gustavo Gomes is the look behind the objective of these intimate photographs. But his role is not only a mere spectator, because the birth is that of his partner, Priscilla Bochi, giving birth at home to her daughter Violeta.

He has been documenting his wife's day-to-day life, both during and before pregnancy, because it seemed most natural to do so also in one of the most important moments of his life: that of becoming parents. He recorded the entire labor process by getting involved in the experience through his camera with the intention of leaving a memory that will last in time.

“I have been photographing anything that happens in my life since I started this job, so recording the moment of pregnancy until the day Violeta was born was something natural for me”

A home birth

Brazil is the country with the highest caesarean section in the world, where more than half of births occur in this way and in private clinics it reaches the alarming rate of 90 percent. As a result, new policies began to be implemented to stop this caesarean epidemic.

Gustavo and Priscilla were informed of the possibilities, assessed pros and cons and they chose to give birth at home With the help of a doula, who provided physical and emotional support to the mother, as well as an obstetrician and a pediatrician to safely manage Violeta's birth.

"Actually, there are more pros than cons in a home birth," he said. "Many people might think that it can be dangerous, but it is not, if you have had a healthy and regular pregnancy. It is a long and tedious process, so it helps a lot to spend so many hours in an intimate place. And, of course, sleep with Violeta by our side on her first night is priceless. "

They intend, with these photos, to raise awareness about the benefits of natural childbirth and help reduce unnecessary caesarean sections in your country.

Priscilla began with contractions on Sunday night and his birth lasted 20 hours. Almost a day when contractions alternated with rest periods, prolonged baths and massage sessions to mitigate pain.

It was a process "very intense, tense, unique and exciting experience," Gustavo said.

Violeta arrived in the world at 7.30 pm the next day. When he was born, they both trembled and cried with emotion. At those moments the camera was set aside so that the new family could fully enjoy their first moments together. That is why we do not see images of that precise moment.

Photos | Gustavo Gomes Reproduced with permission of the author
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