And you, do you use antibiotics well?

They look like a magic balm and we often wait for them when the children are sick and go to the pediatrician, but you don't always have to use antibiotics. They do not serve to cure everything, since they are not useful in all cases and will no longer be useful if, in the necessary cases, they are not used in the correct way.

Today November 18 is celebrated European Day for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics and pediatricians remember that, in order to maintain the usefulness of these drugs, so that they remain effective, it is necessary to make rational use of them and use them only when they are beneficial for the patient. And what cases are those? Are we using antibiotics well with our children?

As you remember from the Spanish Association of Primary Care Pediatrics, antibiotics would be suitable:

In bacterial infections, indicating the antibiotic that acts selectively on the microorganism responsible for the infection, applying the precise dose and for the recommended time, but not more, in order to control the infection.

However, there is an important ignorance of antibiotics, for example, 40% of Europeans mistakenly believe that they work against colds and flu. For this reason, it is necessary to increase the information that comes to society about these drugs, in order to obtain a more prudent use.

The WHO warns that antibiotic abuse or improper use increases its adverse effects and the development of microbial resistance, which is one of the main public health problems worldwide.

On the other hand, the early use of antibiotics has been related to problems such as allergies or the alteration of the intestinal flora of the baby, obesity ... Are not enough reasons to limit the use of antibiotics?

For all this it is also necessary to raise awareness among healthcare professionals and provide them with tools to improve their prescription, in fact they have long demanded a test that helps them distinguish when they would be faced with bacterial infections and therefore the prescription of antibiotics would be adequate.

Decalogue of the good use of antibiotics

On the occasion of the European Day for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics, the AEPap publishes its document “10 key questions to improve the prescription of antibiotics”, addressed to health professionals, with bibliographic references of support in the decision making by the professional .

We on this day, for all fathers and mothers, want to remember the decalogue of the good use of antibiotics of this association:

  • Antibiotics have saved millions of lives. It is essential to use them properly so that they remain useful.

  • They are only effective for infections caused by bacteria. Most childhood infections are caused by viruses and therefore are not cured or relieved with antibiotics.

  • Fever is not treated with antibiotics. Their presence does not mean that they are necessary.

  • The law prohibits selling over-the-counter antibiotics. Only the doctor can prescribe them. They should not be taken without your supervision.

  • Antibiotics that have been left over from other treatments should not be used. These should be taken to the SIGRE point (collection points in pharmacies) for recycling.

  • Antibiotics should be taken in doses, guidelines and for as long as the doctor has recommended.

  • Antibiotics should not be discontinued even if the symptoms of the disease disappear except by medical indication.

  • Antibiotics are safe medications but in some cases they can have side effects or produce allergies. In these cases you should consult with the doctor.

  • Misused antibiotics are no longer effective Because bacteria become resistant to their effects. This is a serious health problem.

  • Antibiotics should be used with certain precautions during pregnancy and lactation. These circumstances should be communicated to your doctor.

Video: Antibiotics and You (July 2024).