Even if you are not on the beach, even if it is not summer: protect your children from the sun

These are holidays, excursions, trips to the countryside, the mountains, playing in the street ... and with the arrival of good weather this is unstoppable. So is the heat and the increasingly strong incidence of the sun. However, it seems that we do not realize that Children need sun protection until they burn for the first time or until we step on the beach.

And it is that already these days many parents have verified how, simply by playing in the schoolyard (probably longer than usual for activities prior to the holidays), children have burned. The same can happen if we spend a picnic or excursion in the sun, without protecting ourselves.

That is why it should be remembered that, Even if it's not summer, even if we're not on the beach, we have to protect the children from the sun (and ourselves, of course). Because the larger the exposure surface, the time and the greater the solar radiation, the more risks of skin lesions exist.

Among the different types of radiation that reach us from the sun, ultraviolet A (UVA) rays penetrate the deeper layers of the skin and are responsible for premature aging and increased cancer. On the other hand, ultraviolet B (UVB) penetrates more superficially and causes sunburn and skin cancer.

And as the skin has memory, you have to start protecting it from when you are little and starting from which you will be exposed to the sun, any day, whether or not it is summer.

Tips to protect your child from the sun

  • Children under three years old should not be exposed to the sun. It is very important to protect them with clothes, hats, glasses and sunscreens of high SPF.

  • Use physical protection elements: clothes, caps, umbrellas ... This is vital if we have forgotten the sunscreen and we are in the central hours of the day.

  • Apply generously the appropriate photoprotective cream for the child with a high protection factor (more than 30 SFP, 50 in the case of very clear skin or if prolonged exposure to the sun is expected).

  • The use of creams with physical, inorganic filters is recommended, which applied to the skin reflect sunlight and do not absorb radiation. These creams are recommended for children and not those with a chemical filter, which are absorbed through the skin, have a higher risk of allergy.

  • For babies under six months Chemical filter creams are not recommended. In fact, according to pediatricians It is not advisable to apply sunscreen of any kind, except if it is not possible to protect them in the shade and with appropriate clothing, when a small amount of protector of at least SPF 15 could be used in small areas, such as the face and the back of the arms and hands.

  • In older children, keep in mind that chemical filter creams need about 30 minutes to take effect, so you have to apply it well in advance.

  • Extreme precautions in the most sensitive parts of the body to the sun: baby's head (with little or no hair), face, neck, shoulders, cleavage, ears, hands and insteps.

  • Children should wear approved sunglasses, because the sun also affects the eyes, especially if they are clear.

  • Lip protection should be done with photoprotective bars.

  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure and central daylight hours.

  • Look for the shadow in your walks and excursions, well of buildings, trees ...

  • Replenish sunscreen every two hours, since the real protection does not last all day. It may be longer if your child has not sweated, has not been stained, has not bathed ... That is, if you see that the cream is still on his skin (in the case of physical filter). However, if your child has very clear skin and has been continuously exposed to the sun or an activity that has worn out the protection has been performed, do not let this time pass to replace the photoprotector.

  • Eye to the cloudy days. We trust each other because the sun does not burn, but the clouds only block the infrared rays that are the ones that give a sensation of heat. The ones that keep going through the sub are the ultraviolet, which burn the skin.

  • Keep the child well hydrated if it is hot and has received more sun than usual, since there will be lost fluids that need to be replaced, preferably based on water, fruit or vegetables ...

In short, babies and children are more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and if we do not adopt the appropriate protective measures they can develop from burns to skin diseases, eye problems ... Therefore, although we are not in summer or on the beach, we must take measures and protect children from the sun before that first burn of the season arrives.

Video: The first time We go to the beach together in summer (July 2024).