Seven advantages of living the final stretch of your pregnancy in summer

Summer is coming; That time of the year we all enjoyed almost as if we were children. Pool, beach, afternoon sun and outdoor meals. Who can resist the charms of the summer season?

If you are pregnant and also in an advanced state, you may think that summer will be your worst enemy. There is no doubt that high temperatures will not be the perfect ally, but Summer has many good things that will make you enjoy your tripita more than ever.

You will have the perfect excuse not to leave the pool

If your obligations allow it, Try to spend as much time as possible in the pool. Cool off with a shower or bath once in a while and take the opportunity to rest on the sunbed, read or listen to music under the umbrella.

If you have more children, they are more than likely to be happy to accompany you on your retreat, although always try to go with someone who can help you with the kids when you need it.

Remember also that it is important to use a cream with a good sun protection factor, hydrate continuously and follow some simple tips to enjoy, without risk, a relaxing water day.

Rest and sleep whenever you can

The body temperature during pregnancy increases naturally, and with it the feeling of drowsiness and tiredness. You may also retain fluids and feel your legs and ankles somewhat swollen. Therefore, it's time to rest!

Find a place in the house cool and well ventilated and get it. Find little moments of intimacy and relaxation near the fan or air conditioning and sleep and rest what the body asks you to do. And remember always lie with your feet up.

Enjoy free time

Take advantage of summer vacations to prepare, without hurry or stress, the arrival of your baby. Not only are the days longer and they will spread more, but if you need to make a last-minute purchase you will not be lazy to go to a shopping center, where the air conditioning will be your best ally.

Prepare your hospital suitcase or your baby's room, while enjoying the days without the clocks or the rush They seem to dominate us for the rest of the year.

Pamper yourself is easier in summer

And it is that as much as you want to pamper yourself and take care of yourself at any time of the year, it gives the feeling that in summer you not only enjoy and look more like this type of care, but that they will also help you to combat the suffocating heat of the summer months.

Facial masks, refreshing foot massages, pedicures... Take advantage and treat yourself. You will appreciate it!

And on the other hand, if you take time to change the look of your hair, now is the perfect time for it. Try a new one refreshing and comfortable haircut It also facilitates you and saves time when caring and combing the hair when the baby is born.

You will take care of your diet without it being an effort

If you are a person who has a hard time eating fruit and vegetables, you may not only want to be pregnant at this time of the year but thank you very much for a delicious salad or a piece of fruit at any time of day.

And it is that fruit and vegetables have very beneficial properties during pregnancy: they help you maintain blood pressure, favor intestinal transit and help you to always be hydrated.

In addition, you are lucky because in summer it is when the greatest variety of fruits of the whole year is concentrated, because you can choose from a multitude of flavors and colors, each one more exquisite and refreshing.

You'll just need to buy maternity clothes

Maternity clothes are expensive and their use is really limited. If you are lucky, and your pregnancies coincide on dates, you can take advantage of it again later, but if not, maternity clothes will be forever stored in the bottom of the drawer when the pregnancy has passed.

The good thing about being pregnant in summer is that you will not need to buy practically anything because any wide camisole or loose dress you have in your closet will help you.

The long dresses of straps with the cut under the chest are a cool, comfortable and very useful option both during pregnancy and after. In addition, if you have always dreamed of looking pregnant tripita, summer is the perfect time for it!

Your baby will be born in a wonderful time of the year

But without a doubt, the best thing is that your baby will be born in a wonderful time of the year. Whether born in late summer or in early fall, you can enjoy long outdoor walks It will provide you with vitamin D (so important for your growth) and help you strengthen your immune system.

In addition, as most people take advantage of the summer months to leave on vacation, you may find yourself very calm in terms of visits and that allows you to rest and enjoy family intimacy to the fullest.

And now ... who says that enjoying the final stretch of pregnancy in summer has no advantages?

  • Photos iStocke, Pixabay

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