A teenage girl dies electrocuted while bathing by using her mobile phone connected to the current

From the United States we get the sad news of a teenager who He died electrocuted while taking a bath, when falling into the water its mobile plugged into power.

The body of Madison Coe, 14, was found by her mother in the bathtub with burns in her hand, which has led to the assumption that doctors died electrocuted while holding her smartphone.

Electrocuted by using your smartphone connected to the power

The events occurred on Sunday night in a home in New Mexico (United States) while Madison, a 14-year-old teenager, took a bath. Missed because her daughter was taking too long, Madison's mother entered the bathroom and found her electrocuted in the bathtub.

He had burns on one hand (the same one with which he had held the phone minutes before) and the mobile, connected to the electric current through an extension cable, had fallen into the water.

Although cardiopulmonary resuscitation was performed and she was immediately transferred to the hospital, Madison was pronounced dead within minutes of admission.

The United States Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) is inspecting both the phone, the plug, the charger and the extension cable, with the aim of finding or ruling out any damage or deficiency that could have caused this terrible accident.

On the other hand, although forensic evidence has not yet been made public, everything indicates that the young woman died electrocuted, either because of use the telephone plugged into the bathtub or by try plugging it while still in the water.

Texas teen electrocuted after cell phone incident in bathtub //t.co/NxqyIxtRiK pic.twitter.com/a3jiMyVY3k

- KCBD NewsChannel11 (@ KCBD11) July 12, 2017

Water and electricity: dangerous combination

Madison's family has shared her story on social networks with the aim of raising awareness among other young people of the dangers of using electrical appliances while there is water in between

"This is a tragedy that does not have to happen to anyone else and we want something good to come out of all this and be aware that you do not have to use mobile phones in the bathroom, if these are connected to the electric current"

"We have to teach our children that electricity and water should never be mixed" - advised Madison's mother.

The Facua consumer organization, alert in its manual of accident prevention of the home, about the relatively easy it can be for a person to suffer an electric shock at home.

This can happen when electrical appliances are touched with wires in poor condition or when we put them in contact with water or water vapor.

As for the recommendations to follow to avoid electrocutions, Facua advises:

  • If the electrical installation is to be repaired, disconnect the main switch

  • Do not plug in devices that have become wet until you are completely sure that they are dry

  • Do not touch electrical appliances while barefoot

  • Do not connect electrical appliances near the bathtub, they could fall inside and cause electrocution

  • Fix the extensions and defective plugs or replace them with new ones

  • Do not attempt to repair devices with cathode ray tubes (monitors, televisions ...) because inside there are voltages of up to 20,000 volts even once the same is turned off

  • Avoid triple connections

  • Before cleaning an appliance, unplug it from the electrical power

  • Protect the plugs with protectors to prevent children from putting their fingers and other objects in them

If an electrocution occurs, the first thing to do is disconnect the electric current and separate the injured person (in case of remaining attached to the current) using an insulating object, such as a wooden or plastic stick, never with our own hands.

On the other hand, it is important to teach children from a very young age the risks that electricity can have if it is misused. But until they have the ability to understand and assimilate these concepts, we must put all the precautionary measures at our disposal, to avoid home accidents.

  • IStock photos

  • Via KCBD, The Washington Post

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