Entwined: International Week of Arms Raising 2017

Between October 2 and 8, the International Week of Breeding in Arms 2017 is celebrated, a week to celebrate the importance of carrying the baby and returning to the custom of raising babies in arms, the best place where they can be. Because they feel safe and protected there.

This year the motto is: "Interlaced", inspired by textiles and yarns that are given the process of making the different chargers that are used to carry the baby, while referring to the union established between the baby and the person who carries it when being carried in arms or in a baby carrier.

How many times have we heard that "we are going to get used to the arms" as if we were doing a bad thing to our children, without understanding that physical contact with their caregivers is a basic need of the baby and that it is never possible to spoil a child for Give him too much love.

Parenting is not, as many believe, no method of parenting or fashion, it is simply a way of raising in which we believe those who hold that closeness, contact and attachment are fundamental to the development of babies and babies. children. No, no one has shown that attachment breeding does not work, basically because it is the way parents are raised in response to their children's needs.

There are many compelling reasons to choose parenting: it gives you security and therefore, cries less, relieves cramps, facilitates breastfeeding, among other benefits ... Join the adventure of taking your baby close.

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