Dear recent mom: motherhood is not like postpartum

Today I am writing to you, you just became a mother for the first time. Or maybe you are a mother for the second or third time, but you had forgotten what it was like to live the postpartum stage. Those first weeks we find ourselves being different from the woman we used to be, and we are meeting the little human being who is now a member of our family.

For some women, postpartum can be a very different experience than they imagined and that's why today I want to tell you that It's just a stage, and it's not something that truly reflects what the experience of motherhood is like.

The postpartum, the first real and tangible experience as a mom

For months, you yearned for the arrival of our baby. You saw it grow in your belly, where it is forming safely and calmly, slowly and gradually. At last, The day has come when you will meet him and become another woman, regardless of whether it is the first, second, third or fourth baby you have. Each child arrives to change your life and nothing is as it used to be.

Your baby is born and everyone feels happy, they will finally meet their little one! Emotion and joy are felt in the environment, and you feel relieved that labor has passed and you can finally have it in your arms. But once the celebration stage has passed and you are calm, recovering and enjoying your baby those first days of life, discover that postpartum is a very different reality from what we see in movies and which is not talked about.

It turns out that it is much more complicated, exhausting and confusing than you thought. For most, it is usually a stage where you feel lost and confused. You feel as if your body was not yours or you were inside someone else's body. Among the hormones, fatigue and demands of your baby, you are even likely to feel a little afraid.

Although each woman lives it differently, The postpartum will be perhaps the most difficult stage of motherhood, physically and emotionally. In addition to being recovering after pregnancy, you are adapting to a completely different lifestyle than you had before your baby was born.

Now the revelations are common and the word "sleep" seems to have disappeared from the map. Between diaper changes, milk shots and caring for babies, it is normal to feel exhausted most of the time. I remember that when my daughter was around ten days old I wondered if I would ever sleep a full night in my life, or at least six hours straight.

In the postpartum you will encounter a series of challenges to face, including some physicists, such as the rise of milk and others of an emotional nature, such as feeling insecure about your ability to be a good mother. But do not worry, I assure you that you are doing well, just because you care because it is.

It is true that Postpartum is a stage of many adjustments and changes, but fortunately it is only temporary. Before you know it, it will be over and you will be an expert in motherhood, which will become easier day by day.

How to live the postpartum better

Living a happy and peaceful postpartum is possible if we prepare for it to be so. Even if you are reading this because you are living it and you feel lost, you can take into account some tips:

It's up to you. Think about how you would like to live your postpartum and what you want to have while it lasts. Although there will surely be many things you can not plan because life with a baby usually has many unexpected moments, yes you can lay some foundations, such as receiving or not visiting the first weeks after the birth of your baby.

Create a support network. Talk to your partner, family and friends so they are by your side if you need it. The first days are usually very heavy, so don't be afraid to ask for help. You are a mother, but you are also human and you need support, rest and lots of pampering.

Do not hurry. Do not worry about recovering your figure immediately. Give your body time to heal and learn to love it with all its new changes. Thank you for the excellent work you did in caring for and training your baby.

Enjoy this stage. I know, although postpartum can be very heavy, it is also a stage that can be enjoyed. Your baby will never be as small as in those first weeks. Enjoy it, admire it, love it. Leave everything that is not urgent for later.

But without a doubt, the advice I consider all mothers should follow during the postpartum period: trust your instinct and your ability to do things. Happy postpartum, mom.

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