A bus driver stops to breastfeed her daughter, after the company did not respect her breastfeeding time

Although there are laws in many countries so that women who work outside the home are entitled to a breastfeeding schedule to breastfeed their babies, many companies do not care and continue to not support them.

This was the case of a bus driver, to whom the company she works for changed her work schedule, interrupting her breastfeeding time, so she decided to stop halfway to breastfeed her baby.

Gabriela Alegría is the mother of three children and has worked as a bus driver in a Chilean company since 2013. She is currently breastfeeding her youngest daughter and does her best to continue breastfeeding.

However, recently the company he works for made an unexpected change in his shift, putting a journey of more than five hours. When the five hours of the trip were fulfilled, she stopped the bus to breastfeed her daughter.

In an interview for Chilevisión, Gabriela declared that she was not going to follow the tour because The company has already been fined twice for not granting the right to feed her daughter, so he decided to stop without permission.

According to information from the Library of the National Congress of Chile, "Working mothers have the right to feed their children, even when there is no nursery in their workplace. The regulations benefit all working women who have children under two years of age, who may have at least one hour within the working day to feed them, either by breastfeeding or food substitutes"In addition, it is mentioned that If the employer refuses to give permission, it must be reported in the corresponding Labor Inspectorate.

It is important to remember that the lactation permit It is a right for all working mothers and while legally established in your country, no employer can and should not deny it.

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