The ingenious and fun method to teach cardiopulmonary resuscitation to children

Knowing and knowing about first aid is something that everyone should be prepared for, because you never know when we may need to act quickly to help save another person's life. Many times we overlook teaching children what they should do in an emergency, when they could even help in emergency situations.

Being familiar with all the basic concepts and techniques can start from small, and a video shows us that There is an easy and fun way to go teach children how to act during an emergency: singing.

"CPR from my school" is an initiative in Spain that advocates the compulsory inclusion of first aid education and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) maneuvers in schools and institutes. It also has a blog, called "Tales to learn to save lives", in which Through narratives, it presents possible emergency situations, so that children know how to act.

A few days ago, they shared on their Facebook page a video in which show how they teach CPR to children, relying on the "Resuscitation Song", which is part of a 50-minute workshop where children are taught how to act in an emergency.

In the text that accompanies the publication of the video, they explain that during the duration of the workshop they explain the theory to the children (Check if the person is asleep or fainted, if he is passed out, call 112 where they ask if he breathes and then perform the necessary maneuvers), then repeat the theory twice, while practicing the lateral position in pairs of security. Then, it is repeated for the third time, while the CPR is explained with a stuffed animal.

Once they have been taught the theory and practiced, "Resuscitation song" is sung combining theory and practice Twice: once slowly, and the second time faster and with the children singing what they remember. In total, the concepts are repeated at least 6 times during the duration of the workshop.

Of course the video, which in just three days has been shared almost 20,000 times, has received multiple comments and reactions on Facebook. Most people have received it very well, encouraging and supporting this initiative, because without a doubt It is very important that children know how to act during an emergency.

In the comments some people mention that they worry that maybe children are too young to understand how to do CPR correctly, but the "CPR from my school" team - which according to them is made up of doctors, emergency and emergency nurses and CPR instructors - responds that the risk is measured and other people support commenting that CPR is better than Do nothing to help.

It is important to mention something that clarifies "CPR from my school": the CPR they teach children is for adults only, not for a child to practice with another child. They also comment that after five years they have not had reports of any incident related to these workshops, but quite the opposite: the children have known how to act during an emergency.

Teach children to act in emergency situations

Personally, the initiative to seek the compulsory inclusion of first aid and CPR education seems great to me. He teach children in a way that they can understand and learn how to act when an emergency occursIt is certainly something that can make a difference and save a life.

An action as basic and easy as calling emergencies is actually, something that seems small, but that all children should know how to do. A few months ago we told you about the case of the nine-year-old boy who saved his mother's life, thanks to the fact that he called emergency services.

Remember that children tend to be very perceptive and When they are taught something in a fun way or get their attention, they are able to remember it to act at the right time, as was the case with another child, who saved his brother's life by practicing CPR maneuvers, thanks to the fact that he had seen them in his favorite movie.

Hopefully this initiative continues to grow and more children know what to do or who to call, in case of an emergency with the adult who is with them.