Why is it dangerous to use a used car seat?

As parents it is our responsibility to ensure the safety of our children in any situation and the car would not be less. According to the DGT data, the Traffic accidents are the first cause of death among those under 14 where 40% of deceased children did not wear any protection system. These figures are alarming. For this reason it is essential to use child restraint systems as a way to reduce accidents and avoid 90% of injuries.

The Spanish Alliance for Child Road Safety (AESVI), composed of DGT, manufacturers and importers of child restraint systems and other entities, warns fathers and mothers not to buy or reuse used child seats.

It is one of the recommendations included in its Decalogue of Child Road Safety presented on March 1 where the 10 "essential" measures for parents for the proper transport of minors in vehicles with the aim of eliminating deaths on board as well as injuries.

Five reasons not to use a second-hand chair

Its use is not recommended when we do not know the origin or it has been used for long periods of time for the following reasons:

  • We do not know the circumstances that the chair has suffered: how the previous owners have taken care of it, if you have suffered blows or an accident.

  • Surely there is no manual to help its correct installation, essential to avoid damage in case of an accident.

  • It is likely that they exist broken parts or damage not visible at first sight.

  • The chairs also age. Do we know how old he is? Did you know that sunlight can damage the material of the chair and cause cracks affecting your safety? Harnesses also wear out over time. The models are usually considered obsolete after three or four years, although according to the Mapfre Foundation the useful life can be extended to six years.

  • The regulations in force in child safety are being updated and a second-hand chair It may not be as safe as the most current regulations. Currently, there are two regulations governing child restraint systems (SRI): ECE R44 / 04 (in force since 1982) and ECE R129 or i-Size (in force since 2013). Since this year, only chairs that meet the latter can be manufactured, although chairs with R44 approval can be used.

And if there is no other option?

The reality is that child seats are expensive and the arrival of a baby at home is accompanied by the purchase of many accessories that some families cannot cope with. Sometimes the chair of an older brother, friend or relative is reused and, as Rodrigo Hernández, spokesman for Save The Children, indicates, "in Spain there is no subsidy for such an essential element."

As in the case of child restraint systems, we are putting the safety of our children at stake, although it is not recommended, in the case of reusing a car seat, as indicated by Fundación Mapfre:

  • We must make sure that the chair has never been involved in a traffic accident. Any collision could have damaged any of its parts or caused cracks, perhaps imperceptible to the eye, but crucial to safeguard the safety of minors.
  • You must keep your labeling correctly: This includes the serial number and date of manufacture. With this data we can know how old the chair is and even if the manufacturer has made some kind of revision for manufacturing defects.
  • That has not been withdrawn from the market: sometimes some items are defective, this we can find out with the serial number.
  • It must include all its pieces: do not forget that the chair will adapt to the growth of your child so it is likely that you should add or remove certain parts. Check that they are all.
  • Includes your manual, essential for proper assembly.
  • It must not exceed more than six years old since it is what is considered the useful life of this type of accessories.
  • Not deteriorated. If it has cracks, broken belts, rusty buckles ... it is better to replace it, do not hesitate.

What else should we consider

  • It should not be forgotten that the safest way to travel for children is to go back until four years. According to data from the DGT itself, this position reduces the risk of serious injury and death by up to 90% In babies and children.
  • Once this age is exceeded, the elderly must use chairs with backrest at least up to 1.35 meters to achieve greater protection against side impacts.
  • We must always ensure that the child restraint systems we choose are homologated and consistent with the age and weight of the child.
  • Avoid carrying loose objects next to children to avoid being hit in the event of a collision.
  • It is very important that they travel without a coat.
  • Check your anchor system before buying your seat and consult a specialist.
  • In the event of an accident, the most advisable thing is to remove the child along with his child restraint system.

With all these tips, it goes without saying that you have to pay close attention to traffic regulations and do not forget that in the back we carry something so valuable that it deserves that we lift the foot of the accelerator.

Video: Car seat check: An easy guide to safe car seat installation and use (July 2024).