21 feminist books to give to children

Snow White, Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty have something in common, they needed their prince to rescue them. Thus generations and generations of children were educated, where the woman was relegated to a second position and always needed the help of the man to get ahead.

In these times, if we want to ensure that the rights of men and women are equated, it is our obligation as parents to educate on equality, regardless of whether we have a boy or a girl. For that reason we have selected 21 feminist books to give to children where princesses no longer need a blue prince and where children will learn that women can also be heroines.

Good night stories for rebel girls: 100 stories of extraordinary women

This book does not talk about princesses, about scientists, astronauts or chefs, 100 examples of determination for today's girls to dream big. Available on Amazon for € 18.95.

The girls are warriors: 26 rebels who changed the world

These are 26 female biographies of women who changed the world in their own way, from Lady Gaga to Coco Chanel.

Available on Amazon for € 15.16.

The girls are from science: 25 scientists who changed in the world

This book presents each of its 25 protagonists in a file that informs about their date and place of birth, their greatest achievement, their motto and best of all: why we should copy them.

Available on Amazon for € 15.15.


Elenita dreams of being a glassblower but her father does not approve. That is why he decides to go out to realize his dream, but for this he must disguise himself as a man. It is a story that motivates the little ones to achieve their dreams. Available on Amazon for € 12.35.

Good night tales for rebel girls 2

100 new stories of women from all over the world from Beyoncé to Madonna, portrayed by the 50 best illustrators in the world.

Available on Amazon for € 18.95.

Valerosas 1: Women who only do what they want

This book contains the portrait of 15 women who struggled to achieve their dreams as Wu Zetian, Chinese empress who created an outline of the current labor law and established the merits to access public office.

Available on Amazon for € 17.10.

The future is feminine: stories so that together we change the world

In this book the best illustrators in the world have joined together to recreate situations that girls and women face every day, showing how their protagonists transform them to empower themselves.

Available on Amazon for € 16.10.

The rebel princess

Susana is not a normal princess, she also expected her blue prince yes, but not the typical one we all know. And what happens when it appears? That is not what I imagined ... If your children like adventure, Susana will be her ideal princess.

Available on Amazon for € 11.30.

Once upon a time Beauty and the Beast

When Pablo Macías and Belén Gaudes discovered that the vast majority of the stories were macho, they decided to rewrite them where the princesses no longer have a passive role. They have an entire collection that is well worth it.

Available on Amazon for € 15.20.

Once Upon A Time The 3 Little Pigs

Can you imagine what will happen in this new version of The 3 Little Pigs? From the collection Érase Dos Veces by Pablo Macías and Belén Gaudes we recover this second book.

Available on Amazon for € 15.20.

Small & Large Collection: Marie Curie

This is a biographical collection that collects children's stories about the great female figures in history such as Agatha Christie, Coco Chanel ...

In this case we recover Marie Curie, the first female doctor of Science and the first person in history to receive two Nobel prizes.

In his eagerness for research he discovered radio and polonium and developed the theory of radioactivity for what is considered the most inspiring woman in modern science.

Available on Amazon for € 15.20.

Candy Pink

Its author, Adela Turin, proposes with this story to break sexist stereotypes and reflect with boys and girls about the difference in games, the way of dressing or the place in which each one lives. Available on Amazon for € 15.

The princess dressed in a paper bag

Elizabeth is a princess who is going to marry Prince Ronaldo, but suddenly, a dragon burns her castle and her clothes and takes the prince. She, neither short nor lazy, decides to put on a paper bag and go to rescue him. But of course, he is not funny that a girl with that aspect rescue him. It is a story that encourages education in values, highly recommended!

Available on Amazon for € 5.99.

I am a Girl!

How many times have you heard that: "this is girls or this is boys"? Too many, right? The protagonist of this story loves to jump with her scooter and do races, but also play with her dolls. He constantly listens to phrases like "definitely, children are unruly and messy." Everyone confuses her with a child!

It is a story to break stereotypes and show that pink does not have to be only for girls or blue only for boys.

Available on Amazon for € 13.30.

The princesses also fart

Currently all girls seek to be the same as princesses in stories. Elsa from Frozen, Rapunzel from Tangled ... all, perfect princesses. In this work the author seeks to dehumanize these characters and disclose that princesses or not, in the end we are all equal and with the same physiological needs.

Available on Amazon for € 15.15.

Moms Secret Life

Until now almost all the heroes were starring male models, but what if the protagonist was a woman? What if it was mom? In "The Secret Life of Moms" children will discover in the female figure authentic heroines.

Available on Amazon for € 12.82.

Malena Whale

Malena is an overweight girl whose classmates laugh in swimming class and call her a whale. Tired of feeling this way, the swimming monitor whispers a trick in his ear: to overcome the complexes, just think otherwise. It is a story that unfortunately is usually lived and means a struggle against personal complexes and beauty charges imposed by society.

Available on Amazon for € 12.25.

I Jane

It tells the true story of the naturalist, activist and primatologist Jane Goodall who has dedicated her life to studying chimpanzees and promoting respect for nature. Among the many awards he has received for his work are the Prince of Asturias Award for Scientific and Technical Research. In addition, in 2013 it was awarded by the Parliamentary Association in Defense of Animals.

Available on Amazon for € 10.92.

Arturo and Clementine

These are two turtles that begin their history with the illusion of forming a home, but soon Arturo will begin to annul Clementina, leaving this house.

It is a story where we will clearly identify the roles established in society both gender and family and where the author claims the female role in society, combats sexist stereotypes and denounces discrimination.

Available on Amazon for € 14.25.

I go with me

A girl falls in love with a boy, but as she doesn't notice her, she decides to change. But it changes so much that it stops being itself, so much that it realizes that it is not worth it and recovers its self. It is a reflection to love ourselves as we are.

Available on Amazon for € 11.40.

Valerosas 2: Women who only do what they want

15 new portraits of women who decided, despite their obstacles, to do what they really wanted. Temple Grandin, for example, diagnosed with autism, promoted a total reform of traditional agriculture.

Available on Amazon for € 17.10.

Rosa Caramelo (books to dream)

Today in Amazon for € 14.25

SECRET LIFE of moms (Infant-Youth)

Today in Amazon for € 12.82

Me, Jane (The albums)

Today in Amazon for € 10.92

The princess dressed in a paper bag

Today in Amazon for € 7.39

The princesses also fart (Illustrated albums)

Today in Amazon for € 15.15

The rebel princess

Today in Amazon for € 11.87

Once upon a time ... Beauty and the beast

Today in Amazon for € 15.20

Once upon a time ... The 3 Little Pigs

Today in Amazon for € 15.20

Small and large Marie Curie (Children's Illustrated)

Today in Amazon for € 15.20

I am a Girl! (Illustrated albums)

Today in Amazon for € 13.30

Malena Balena (Illustrated albums)

Today in Amazon for € 12.25

Arturo and Clementina (books to dream about)

Today in Amazon for € 14.25

Good night stories for rebel girls: 100 stories of extraordinary women (Other titles)

Today in Amazon for € 18.95

The girls are warriors: 26 rebels who changed the world (Nonfiction illustrated)

Today in Amazon for € 15.15

The girls are from science: 25 scientists who changed in the world (Nonfiction illustrated)

Today in Amazon for € 15.15

Elenita: Elena's Serenade

Today in Amazon for € 97.38

Good night tales for rebel girls 2 (Other titles)

Today in Amazon for € 18.95

Valerosas 1: Women who only do what they want (Graphic Candle)

Today in amazon for € 17.10

The future is feminine: Stories so that together we change the world (INK CLOUD)

Today in Amazon for € 16.10

I go with me (Trampantojo)

Today in Amazon for € 11.40

Valerosas 2: Women who only do what they want (Graphic Candle)

Today in amazon for € 17.10

Video: Emma Watson Explains Why Some Men Have Trouble With Feminism. Entertainment Weekly (July 2024).