The anguish of the eighth month

It is also called distress or anxiety of separation and it begins around eight months of the baby, sometimes before, when they begin to crawl, to discover other people and to observe the world that surrounds them from their incipient autonomy.

The anguish It is caused by the growth itself, as it detaches itself from who until now has been its only reference, from the person with whom it has developed a closer union. Almost, surely: his mother. They are not willing to share their "special person" with anyone and demand 100% of their attention at all times. Smiles, conversations and all signs of devotion are reserved for mom. They cry for no reason in the arms of other relatives, they just want to be with mom.

Just as he likes being with you so much, it is normal for him to dislike you leaving him. He can't stand to disappear from his sight, so when he doesn't see you, he will feel restless, confused, cry excessively and even feel insecurity and fear of being abandoned. At his young age, out of sight means out of his mind. The baby does not know that you will return, so it will attract attention as it is to avoid detachment. The situation is stressful for both the baby and the mother, who will feel a little overwhelmed. You should think that it is a difficult process for the baby and that it is only demanding your love and attention. Try to organize yourself to have it always close, continue talking to him when you leave the room so that your voice makes you feel that you are still there. Help him overcome fear by giving him confidence, love and security.

The anguish of separation can also appear in cases such as travel, when starting school, visiting another house or situations in which the child feels a special anxiety. Pay attention, because cries, lollipops, refusing to go to school or other manifestations that might seem unimportant whims, may be manifesting anguish.

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