How to wean

The first thing is to be clear when, a decision that you and your baby can make. To start, weaning It does not have to be total, maybe you can choose to do a partial weaning, that is, continue breastfeeding in the morning and at night.

The progressive replacement of breast milk with other foods is not only a matter of food, but also an emotional issue. Weaning implies the first separation of mother and baby. Therefore, it must be a progressive and planned process but at the same time natural so that the baby goes uninhabiting the breast little by little, and at the same time, so that the breast reduces the milk production.

There is no exact time for weaning, that depends on each mother, her needs and circumstances.

At each age it is different: before six months it is your only food, then the first foods that complement breast milk are gradually introduced.

You can start by replacing a shot, for example, in the afternoon. When you see that he has become accustomed, replace another one, for example, the mid-morning one. You can also start shortening the blowjobs and supplement them with other foods or formula milk.

The first shot in the morning and the last shot of the night are generally the last to be replaced. The one at night helps to relax you for sleep and the one in the morning will help relieve the tension in your breasts.

Ah! It is important that you remove the milk that the baby does not drink so that a mastitis does not form.

Video: How to Wean Your Baby from Breastfeeding. CloudMom (May 2024).