Find the cheapest textbooks: three price comparators for back to school

We have not yet enjoyed the summer, and we are already suffering from the expenses of going back to school. It is to see the list of textbooks for the next course and start to sweat. To help us find the cheapest price, the textbook price comparators that allow us to know the price of the same textbook, or several, in different places.

The operation is basically the same in all search engines: you place the ISBN of the book or the books you need and a search is carried out between several online textbook sales platforms. The comparator throws a search and selecting the one that suits you best, redirects you to the sales site, where you already make the purchase normally. We bring you three textbook price comparators that will help you save some money for the next course.

OkLibros: new and used in a comparator

In the OKLibros comparator there are three ways to search your books. You can enter the ISBN, search by title, subject, editorial etc. or send the list and look for the books for you comparing the prices of six sites: Casa del Libro, Amazon, Imosver, AbeBooks, Fnac and Agapea (does not have El Corte Inglés).

Among the results we find new books and in some cases, if available, also used. In the image above, that of AbeBooks, for example, is the price for the book used.

Save on books: send the list by WhatsApp

The Book Save comparator compares prices of five platforms: Amazon, Casa del Libro, Agapea, Imosver and El Corte Inglés.

You can search the books through the ISBN or by keywords such as title and author. You can also send the list through the URL of the school website, a photo from your mobile or in DOC / PDF, and you even have the option to send it by WhatsApp if you access from your mobile. They send you back, free and without obligation, the best prices for your list.

It offers the results of books classified by availability and price, and by clicking you can add them to the basket of the online store you have chosen. It provides information on the services offered by each bookstore in case you prefer speed to the price or, for example, have more time for its return.

TextBooks: compare between three libraries

Having only three platforms, it is less attractive than the previous two. By entering the ISBN or by sending your school's list of books, Textbooks compares the prices of your books on Amazon, Casa del Libro and Imosver and redirects you to the purchase site.

More places to buy textbooks

Although the comparator service is very practical to avoid having to enter each site separately to compare prices, not all comparators include all the purchase sites that may interest us.

  • Here we have offered you seven sites to buy textbooks, where you can compare more prices as well as the services and discounts offered by each platform to get the cheapest price of textbooks for back to school.

  • And if you prefer the option to buy them used, here you have several sites selling second-hand textbooks.

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