How to avoid episiotomy

The performance of the episiotomy, that is, the cut that is made in the perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening and prevent tears at the time of delivery, it is not a decision that depends 100 percent on us the parturients.

It is a determination that the doctor takes in situ and depends on a lot of factors that will not be known until that moment. The elasticity of your perineum, the size of the baby's head, the type of tissues ... there are several circumstances that are taken into account to perform it or not.

However, there are some things that we can do during pregnancy to help the perineum prepare better for the time of giving birth and reduce the chances of needing the procedure. There are many possibilities that the delivery does not require episiotomy or that the cut is very small if we strengthen the perineum through different techniques.

For example, practicing Kegel exercises during pregnancy, getting perineal massages for four to six weeks before delivery and learning to control the time of labor are good methods. Also spheroodynamics, the practice of gymnastics with giant inflatable balls, strengthens the elasticity of the musculature of the pelvic floor.

In later notes we will explain how to perform each of these techniques to prevent the points from torturing you during the postpartum period, or unless the points are less.

Video: Vaginal Tearing - How to Avoid Tearing, Perineal Massage and More! (July 2024).