During pregnancy, sunbathe with caution

To spend the pregnancy in the summer supposes in many cases to make it coincide with the holiday period and who else who least goes out to the beach, the pool or the mountain. But Many pregnant women wonder, is it good to sunbathe at this stage?

The sun brings many benefits if taken with caution and the same happens in the case of pregnancy. If you are pregnant, you will have to take precautions during the summer, since the skin is more sensitive.

Between the beneficial properties of the sun relaxation, psychic well-being, fatigue prevention, and bone strengthening are found, since it helps synthesize vitamin D by contributing to the proper absorption of calcium) ...

In this way we benefit our organism and that of the baby (it also reaches its bones in formation, strengthening bone mass) and we do not want to give up all this, but we must be cautious when sunbathing. Why?

In Babies and moreBarrigas in the sun with caution: seven tips for pregnant women in summer

Skin spots during pregnancy

We have seen on other occasions how they can appear skin spots due to hormonal change, spots that may intensify by the effect of the sun and take longer to disappear.

Remember that the dreaded chloasma or "pregnancy mask" are dark spots that appear on the skin as a result of hormonal changes during pregnancy, coupled with sun exposure.

It is a facial aesthetic problem typical of pregnant women due to the increase in estrogen and progesterone levels. This unusual hormonal activity causes a increased melanin secretion by melanocytes, the cells responsible for manufacturing this natural skin pigment that gives us the color of tanning.

We can prevent the appearance of stains by avoiding exposure to the sun without adequate filters. Both in summer and winter, the sun's rays act on our skin, which must be protected with cream with protective filters.

Sunbathing tips during pregnancy

But in addition to stains, excess heat or burns should also be avoided. Therefore it is important to follow the following tips when sunbathing pregnant or if we are going to be outdoors for a long time.

  • Use sunscreen cream, but consult the components so that they do not affect the fetus. Sun protection, better without PABA (a substance on which research continues). Choose a protection factor suitable for your skin type, high even if you are of dark complexion (minimum SPF 30 in the body and SPF 50 in the face). Apply it half an hour before sun exposure and renew the cream every two hours or after bathing. Pay special attention to the places where you already have skin spots to avoid darkening.

  • Avoid the central hours of the day, when the sun hits more strongly. The first hours of the morning or sunset are the most appropriate. At the end of summer and in autumn, the sun does not burn so much and still has a pleasant temperature.

  • Don't spend many hours in the sun, try to spend time protected in the shade, for example on the beach under the umbrella.

  • Wear cool clothes to protect yourself from prolonged sun exposure and caps or hats to avoid direct sun on the face.

  • Hyperthermia or excessive temperature rise can affect the fetus and cause malformations. Remember that during pregnancy the body temperature increases, and consequently you have to be especially careful to avoid a heat stroke, which includes not sunbathing excessively (or avoiding long baths in very hot waters).

  • Instead of lying on a towel in the sun (in addition, face up is not recommended at the end of pregnancy) you can take walks along the seashore, you will be cooler and walking will help circulation.

In Babies and more Pregnant in summer: five tips to feel better

Can you sunbathe on my belly?

As for whether pregnant women are to wear a swimsuit or bikini, we have already seen that it is indistinct: follow your tastes. The sun can hit the gut, there is no reason to hide the belly if we protect it with the right cream and it is not for a long time.

The only thing to keep in mind is that with a bikini and a belly in the sun, the dawn line may darken, the one that usually comes out in pregnancy and that runs through the center of the gut to the navel.

Definitely, during pregnancy sunbathing in moderation and caution is the key. Do not give up those light and revitalizing sunbathing by following all the above tips. There are still many days when you want to go to the pool, beach or mountain ...

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Photos | Thinkstock
In Babies and more | Is it bad for a pregnant woman to get the sun in her gut ?, Sun protection during pregnancy, lactation and childhood: better without PABA, Pregnant in summer, all are advantages

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