A scientific birthday

In my time the birthday was celebrated at home inviting friends, but in these times the celebrations have changed. There are various options to make children's birthday; from rooms specially equipped for this purpose or cinema functions such as those offered by the Cinesa rooms. Can also be celebrate a scientific birthday by inviting a Mad Scientist home or to the party's venue. This is the service offered by Mad Science.

The Mad Scientist will animate the party by making them magical, fun and interactive that can include a cotton candy machine, magic potions or rocket launches. They guarantee total cleanliness and order ... difficult to achieve at a kid's party, right? The party is characterized by being valid from 10 children to the number you want to invite, suitable for children from 4 to 14 years, can last 45 minutes or several hours. The number of Scientific Animators is adjusted according to the duration and number of attendees.

All the activities included in the program are unique and very innovative.

There is something for everyone, but this is undoubtedly a very original way to turn years.

Official site | Mad Science In babies and more | Games for the birthday party | Organize the birthday party |

Video: 3DMM The Mad Scientist's Birthday (July 2024).