The fears of the future dad

On some occasions we have talked about the fears that the future mother may have before the arrival of her son, but it is not only women who suffer from them, but also dads have their fears, some from the moment the baby has already been fathered.

During pregnancy, the future dad is afraid of harming the child during sexual intercourse, in some parents a kind of apprehension appears and these are postponed until after birth or in their absence, they occur rarely.

The fear of the couple's suffering is also another constant, seeing the couple suffer during childbirth and not being able to do anything to avoid it is one of the fears that usually appear days before the happy event. This is not a lasting fear although it produces anguish. The new responsibilities that loom over the future dad can weigh considerably and may even feel that he is not up to it to face them. After the birth and the passing of time the situation takes a turn and the father who has suffered this fear has realized that the love lavished on the new life is a weapon capable enough to face the situation perfectly.

One of the fears that the future parents also have is to stay in second place, that the future mother dedicate her time exclusively to the little one (although it is necessary and obligatory) propitiates this fear, with a little reasoning it should disappear. In the same way there is the fear of staying in second place for the child, that is, that the little one considers the mother more than the father, this has to do with the time that the father can spend with the child, it is more than possible that the tasks and obligations do not allow you to spend as much time as you would like. This is a fear that must be dismissed, the child wants both parents equal, mom as a mother and dad as father.

Finally, to say that some parents feel that they miss youth and that having a child represents a definite step that jumps from the youth of a boy to the maturity of a man.

If you are a father we would love to know the fears or fears that you have felt or felt when facing fatherhood.

Video: Why Parents Say They Are Afraid For Their Daughter's Safety When She's With Her Boyfriend (May 2024).