New vaccination schedule for children in the Madrid community from November 1

Although the Ministry of Health has requested the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid to reconsider the change in the vaccine schedule, to From November 1 there will be a new calendar of childhood vaccination in the Madrid community.

According to Manuel Lamela, Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs of Madrid, this change is supported by scientific experts who think only of the benefit of children, and who deserve greater credibility than politicians.

Thus, with this pioneering initiative in Spain, newborns will be vaccinated against pneumococcus. There will be four doses distributed in one at two months, another at four, the next at six and the fourth at 18 months, so they will begin to vaccinate children born on September 1. There are also changes in the type C meningitis vaccine, delaying the third inoculation from 6 to 15 months, instead, the chickenpox vaccine is advanced from 11 years to 15 months of age.

This initiative is supported by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, which suggests that these changes be adopted at the national level, because according to this new calendar of childhood vaccination, children in the Community of Madrid will be protected until age 14 against 11 infectious diseases such as pneumococcus, diphtheria, tetanus, type C meningococcus, whooping cough, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis, chicken pox and triple viral that includes measles, mumps and rubella.

We hope that interest in children's health (omitting political interests) will expand nationally and globally in a short space of time.

Video: VOA news for Monday, November 6th, 2017 (July 2024).