Sincere children, sometimes they bother us

Our children observe us in an exhaustive way, follow our movements, conversations, ways of proceeding, etc., the control is such that when they discover something incoherent in our behavior or they glimpse something different or abnormal, they communicate it. Sometimes they ask questions that have a difficult answer, at other times they ask us the question at the least opportune moment. They are simple and straightforward questions that expose us, in short, being So sincere, sometimes they can bother us.

They can ask us all kinds of questions, why we have such a fat ass, why you said a taco, why a child is allowed to do something that they do not let him, why grandma knows how to cook and you don't ... any questions It may be in the child's mind. Depending on the place or the moment, these questions can make us spend real moments of embarrassment or even leave us with a blank mind without knowing what to say. We should never be angry if our son asks us something so sincerely and with good intentions, we should not think badly about such a fact. The child needs to understand why things are and how they are, it is simply that.

When the child asks us a question that leaves us in evidence, which places us between a rock and a hard place, it is best to take the question with a great sense of humor, sometimes it is a true ally to get out of trouble.

We must never provide an erroneous or false answer, nor information difficult to assimilate for the little one, this type of response only leads to confusion and a misperception of reality. It is best to answer a "I do not know" in case you do not know or "expect me to think about it and explain it to you", etc.

If we lose our nerves and say a taco, surely the little one will ask us why we have said it, and more when we are the ones who teach him not to say tacos in his education. This situation puts us in front of them, the only viable way out that will help the child learn is to recognize the fault, apologize and thank him for the touch of attention, showing the importance of proper behavior.

We could put hundreds of examples of uncomfortable situations, all parents have gone through some. We need great skills in psychology, meticulous care in our behavior and a lot of understanding, it is a difficult but blessed task to be parents. Do not forget to read an interesting post prepared by our partner Elda where he talks about child indiscretion.

Video: The 1975 - Somebody Else Official Music Video (July 2024).