Osteoporosis in pregnancy

Osteoporosis, which literally means "porous bone", is a pathology in which bone mass decreases and deteriorates its resistance, which causes greater bone fragility and the risk of fractures.

They suggest that the causes that cause this disease are in the genetic and hereditary factor, in a bad diet, in the little physical exercise and the ingestion of certain medications. Also, menopause is one of the major risk factors for osteoporosis, as cessation of ovarian function increases bone resorption.

Fortunately osteoporosis occurs rarely during pregnancy, but it can happen that when delivering the great contribution of calcium to the baby both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the bones lose density. Changes in bone metabolism during pregnancy (usually in the first), can lead to osteoporosis. The symptom that gives it away most often is back pain, but being very common in pregnant women, many doctors do not diagnose it. The pain is usually located in the lower back and may be of greater or lesser intensity, although it usually disappears after delivery or at the end of breastfeeding the loss of bone density will never recover and it will be necessary to follow a treatment.

This involves the administration of non-steroidal analgesics and may even recommend a girdle or corset. Calcium and vitamin D supplements should be taken, and in case of very severe osteoporosis, medications are given that accelerate the recovery of bone mass that has been lost.

Video: Is It Safe to Get Pregnant, If You Have Osteoporosis (July 2024).