Little sleep favors obesity

We do not get tired of saying that we must prevent obesity with healthy lifestyle habits, a healthy diet and physical exercise, but we must also bear in mind that the rest hours have to be respected, because although one might think that sleeping a lot It would favor weight gain because it is a sedentary activity, studies suggest that it is not.

Our partner Eliana informed us a few months ago of the study published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood magazine that the tendency of children and adolescents to stay awake longer would be associated with increasing levels of obesity. Well, a few days ago another study by a team of researchers from the Northwestern University of Illinois (USA) and published in the journal Child Development, offers us more data on the same, little sleep favors obesity.

The results of this research that lasted more than five years and involving 2,281 children between 3 and 12 years, the causes can be found in the hormonal imbalance that is caused by insufficient rest. When we are awake, the hormones that favor appetite are activated, while those that are activated while we sleep put the hormones that inhibit appetite into operation. According to experts, children between 3 and 8 years old, only sleeping one more hour reduce the possibility of gaining weight between 30 and 36%, while those from 9 to 12 years reduce them by up to 34%.

Rest little causes that the physical state is not optimal, that there is more need to rest and less strength to exercise, being more awake hours offers the possibility of eating more times, being the pecking at what is most visited, favoring the intake of Very caloric foods.

Although the conclusions of the study do not state that there is a direct relationship between lack of sleep hours and obesity, if factors that favor it are found.

The night rest, in addition to being necessary to recover from the activities of the day and provide an optimal state of health, guarantees multiple long-term benefits.

Video: I get so frustrated when I watch my son eat.Hello CounselorENG,THA (July 2024).