How to cut hair at home?

The report published by Todos Papás ​​entitled ¡And me with these hairs!, Where Alejandra Martínez from the children's hairdresser Mis Pelitos gives us some advice about the care of our children's hair has been very good, because I dare and without to have an idea I have cut my oldest son's hair that has looked like Robin Hood.

If you dare to cut hair at home, Alejandra gives us the following tips:

Wash and dry your hair with a towel. Brush and untangle it.

Make a line in the middle and separate the hair in half. Set aside one of the parts in a collection

Now pick up the other half, with tweezers, on the top of the head, freeing the bottom strands, to measure the desired length, and cut the tips.

Lower each strand by always cutting ½ cm longer than the previous one. Continue with another tuft and so on. Then continue with the other part.

When you're done, comb the hair down and even the hair that could have been longer.

Comb, dry and you're done!

It seems easy, but if we have no idea of ​​cutting the hair, the final finish of the cut is not guaranteed, so it is better to take the child to a hairdresser, if it is better for children.

In the article there are also a series of tips for those parents who have to deal with a child who is afraid to go to the hairdresser for the first time and tips for our children to look a beautiful hair.