Vending machines for diapers and wipes are needed in public toilets

I will take advantage of my blogger status, that is to say someone read me there (I hope so), to claim some services that parents are needing.

One of the first major absences for the care of the smallest citizens are Vending diapers and sanitary napkins in public toilets.

There are shops crammed with machines selling candy, snacks and soft drinks, but in the bathrooms they don't even have room to change a baby.

And I do not say the special tables to change them, but just a table where to place the changing table, not to mention diapers, and much less of wipes; hopefully you barely find toilet paper.

Having the basic elements to change a baby's diaper is a very necessary service in both women's and men's toilets, where special tables to change them shine due to their absence.

I do not think that I am the only little foreseen mother who ever ran out of diapers and had to buy a family pack in the middle of the walk to get out of the way.

There are some dispensers that in exchange for a coin offer you a package with a diaper, two wipes and a bag to place the used diaper, I have never seen one, which means that there are very few.

I hope that my request reaches someone who has in their hands to improve this service to make things easier for parents with babies. Or that other parents join my claim and hopefully achieve something.

Or at least I am content to give a good idea to those responsible for marketing diaper companies.