More happiness when the future baby has been conceived through fertilization techniques

According to a study from the Hebrew University of Israel, Women who have conceived their child through fertilization techniques are equal or happier than women who have conceived their future child in a natural way. In our opinion it is logical, happiness may be more noticeable in a woman who has been trying to conceive a child without achieving it for a long period of time, than in a woman who considers conceiving a child and her desire is quickly made effective.

However, it must be said that previous studies indicated that women who conceived through these techniques were worse as a result of the anxiety they felt. The new research denies the previous conclusions thanks to in-depth interviews during the 30th and 31st week of gestation to 30 future moms who conceived through in vitro fertilization and another 30 who conceived naturally.

Among some of the conclusions we highlight the following, the more the cost is greater conception is happiness, future mothers who needed several cycles of in vitro fertilization felt much happier than those who only needed one cycle. It happens in different areas of our life, the more it costs something, the more it is valued.

All the details of the study are shown in the article published in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility.

Video: REIKI for FERTILITY & PREGNANCY (May 2024).