Holidays with children: a trip to New York I

Surely with the arrival of the holidays and many are preparing bags to travel and discover new places with the family. For those who chose to pass these New York City vacations or have planned to visit with children soon, I will tell you my experience on a recent trip to Manhattan last spring, with my husband and my three year old.

For many people New York and children are incompatible and would never think to take them to the Big Apple. However, while it is true that in New York there are lots of things that cannot be done or are not appropriate for the little ones, it is also true that there are hundreds of wonderful things that can be enjoyed with the family and that if you do not go with the little ones You would probably get lost from the house.

For us it was a memorable trip and not in vain now Rodrigo says he wants to live in New York. For him it was an unforgettable experience, living in Caracas and used to go all day by car, to the simplest things like taking a taxi (I was amazed that they were all yellow), a subway trip, coming and going by bus or simply walking through the streets, it was an adventure for him.

First I will talk about trip planning, starting with the issue of accommodation. From our experience I can tell you that if you travel with young children it is ideal to stay in an area of ​​the city that is rather residential rather than a purely tourist area such as Time Square. I had been to New York other times so I had an idea of ​​which areas were more suitable for family stays and we chose the Upper West Side.

We stayed at the Milburn hotel, which offers suite-style rooms with refrigerators, which is a great relief if you travel with children, in addition the rooms were very spacious and at a good price which is a rarity and a privilege considering the standards of New York .

Something indispensable is to take or acquire when arriving a light stroller Paraguayan style and although your son is no longer accustomed to using it as was our case, believe me it is an object of first necessity in the streets of New York, even for children of 5 or 6 years old . Not surprisingly, New York mothers are those that take longer to leave the stroller in oblivion.

For us, food also proved to be no problem. We have become accustomed to Rodrigo since he was a baby to eat in restaurants and he behaves quite well.

So our gastronomic experience was delicious and if you do not believe me, visit my anecdotes about the Live trip to the palate. I only recommend taking a precaution so that your meals are really pleasant and it is to arrive early at the restaurant at dinner time, between 6:30 and 7:30, so they will ensure you have a better service. Even in restaurants where they might think they wouldn't accept them with the little one, if they go early they won't have any problems.

Also in New York there are many places where you eat well, without having to fall into a fast food chain, where you are really child-friendly, they offer you paper and crayons to draw. In one of the restaurants we visited, the Blue Smoke, they brought Rodrigo a raw cookie in the form of a pig, so that he decorated it with colored nuggets and at dessert time they returned it baked and he ate it proud and happy , which I thought was a great idea.

To be continue…

Video: What to do with kids in New York City. a family vacation guide (July 2024).