They recommend doing cholesterol tests to children from one year of age

According to the results of a British study published in the British Medical Journal, it would be It is advisable to perform a simple blood test on children from one year to determine if they have familial hypercholesterolemia.

This pathology affects one in 500 people and is caused by a defect in the receptor gene of low density lipoproteins (LDL) causing cholesterol levels to increase. Early diagnosis and proper treatment could prevent premature development of cardiovascular diseases as well as early deaths from heart disease.

It seems that after the analyzes in which almost 2,000 people participated, they found that the detection of this genetic disorder was more effective if it was performed at the age of between one and nine years, so they advise that a cholesterol analysis be included at Children from one year of age, in the review of 12-15 months. With this simple analysis, 88% of cases of familial hypercholesterolemia could be detected, and pathology could be detected in the affected parent, also receiving immediate treatment. Keep in mind that 70% of those who suffer from this genetic disorder are not diagnosed.

The treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia will depend on the child, in principle an adequate diet and exercise should be performed, which would reduce the concentration of cholesterol, although treatment with statins in children is also being studied.

Video: Kids and Cholesterol (July 2024).