From the age of five, reduce the television your children watch

We have talked a lot about Children and television, the conclusions being that the little ones watch too much television, which does not benefit them at all.

It is a worrying issue, for specialists and also for parents, but it is the latter who continue to allow their children to remain dumbfounded on television longer than recommended, which is two hours a day.

We must not continue to allow it, although the pace of life does not leave us time to be with our children everything we would like and everything they need, we must organize other types of activities that make up for excessive television time, important is to find something that motivates them, that has them active and collaborates in their physical and intellectual development. It is difficult to be more explicit, because each house is a world, just as each child has its concerns, but this is the work of each parent, discover them and provide everything possible so that your leisure time was not wasted in front of the TV.

A new study based on the collection of interviews with 2,700 mothers shows that 16% of children watched television more than two hours a day at the age of two and a half years, then at five and a half years, reduced this "sedentary activity", and according to Dr. Cynthia Minkovitz, this eliminates the possibility of children having social or behavioral problems.

It is also known that two out of five children had television in their bedroom with only five years of age, this is fervently discouraged.

Remember that it is the parents who have to lead our children along the best path, letting them do what they want is not educating, allowing them to waste their time "wasted" on the couch does not enrich them at all. You are in time to reduce your exposure to TV, do not forget that you will avoid many possible problems.

Video: How Media & Technology Affects Children. Child Development (July 2024).