One more step to know the functioning of gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a problem that can generate congenital malformations in the future baby even being able to cause death. Although there is a lot of information on the subject, the reasons for its development are not known exactly, this type of diabetes is still currently one of the important and pending issues that must be solved to avoid the damages that occur in the fetus.

Gestational diabetes is generated by the inability to produce the insulin that the body needs, but fortunately the research is progressing and today we have known a new step that will allow to know the functioning and reasons that favor gestational diabetes, this is a good start to try to end this disease. A group of American researchers has discovered that there is a possible relationship between a protein compound called menine (responsible for the regulation of the cells involved in the manufacture of insulin) and gestational diabetes. In the experiments that have been carried out with genetically modified laboratory mice (females and pregnant), it has been proven that the excess of this protein does not allow the creation of the necessary insulin producing cells and therefore, the mice developed gestational diabetes. It is necessary to be able to develop a system that stimulates the growth of the cells that produce insulin, the line of research is complemented with that followed by other experts who have shown that the hormone prolactin contributes to increase the production of the cells that we have mentioned before.

For now, more research will be necessary, but everything indicates that it is necessary to find a way to stimulate the production of insulin-producing cells. Surely in a short time gestational diabetes will no longer pose any danger.

Video: Gestational Diabetes. Nucleus Health (July 2024).