Finger puppets, to imagine any story

The Finger puppets are an ideal complement to stories that we narrate to the little ones. Of those invented or improvised stories for which we do not have a book in which they can enjoy the illustrations while listening to the story.

Moreover, I would say that they are a perfect complement to carry on and deal with any "emergency" situation in which children get bored. Apart from stimulate your imagination and your senses, we achieve those great smiles at things that the elders see so simple ...

In addition, when they grow up they will like to play with mini-puppets and create their own stories. And where do we get these puppets? Well, some theater stories have already been incorporated, and also in certain establishments they can be found for sale.

However, we can find a homemade, colorful and ingenious solution that it will not be as colorful as professional puppets, but that children may even like them more, for example, because we have created with your help and recommendations. In addition, we will enjoy a special and emotional moment in family, activating the ingenuity and creativity of the little ones, and ours!

The paper roll tubes Kitchen or hygienic are ideal for coloring and decorating with wool, or stickers ... You can add a stick to make them easier to handle. Also the little ones baby socks They serve to sew eyes, hair, mouth ... and create new characters in the style of each.

That is the Super magic of children's look. That they see in a roll of toilet paper a true king, or in a sock the evil dragon.

Video: Under the Sea Puppet Playtime Kit for Kids Ages 2-4. Seedling Littles (July 2024).