Holland and the non-use of epidural in childbirth

In Holland, between 30 and 40 percent of deliveries take place in the home itself. The use of epidural anesthesia is not generalized only in 8% of cases, only when the doctor considers it necessary.

There are women who accept these conditions while others prefer to give birth in countries like Brussels or Germany where they do.

Proponents of natural birth see Holland as the paradise of parturients, while those who are not so convinced believe that the use of analgesia in childbirth should be more widespread.

It seems that things are being rethought in Holland regarding this matter, since a medical advisory school has done a new proposal proposing that the epidural be applied whenever the patient requests it.

The truth is that the issue is not without controversy about whether the use of the epidural itself or the use of the epidural no.

Personally, and it is a very personal opinion, I believe that a natural birth does not have to be at odds with the proper use of the epidural. I believe that, after all, medical advances, well applied, are positive.

While it is true that the epidural can cause side effects, to minimize them, the woman should undergo a thorough medical check-up in addition to being informed of all the risks before undergoing anesthesia. And then, have the right to decide whether or not to assume your own risk.

It is also true that there are alternative ways to overcome the pain in childbirth such as massages, breathing and relaxation techniques, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, etc., but I repeat again that I believe that the fundamental thing is to be informed and then that everyone chooses the option with the That feels more identified.

In short, I think the important thing is that a way of giving birth is not imposed, either to one extreme or to the other, neither in Holland nor in China. Women should have the right to choose how we want to give birth in any country in the world, whether at home without an epidural or with her in a hospital.

Video: AP focus on high mortality rate for mothers during childbirth (July 2024).