Professional breastfeeding photos become fashionable in Japan

Professional photos during pregnancy and with the newborn baby are an increasingly widespread option. Less frequent are professional breastfeeding photos, which are becoming fashionable in some places, such as in Japan.

Next to breastfeeding photos, childbirth is often another place rarely frequented by professional photographers. It will be that in those moments we are not to pose or feel more observed ... But the moment of breastfeeding is usually calm and I do not think that a camera "bothers" too much.

Several Japanese photographers and studios have offered a new modality in family photographic reports: one in which the mother is seen breastfeeding to his son. Some photographers started on it by seeing the few images that they themselves kept of their lactations. And it seems that it has become fashionable in the Japanese country.

As for the motivations of the protagonists (with permission of their babies) to take this type of professional photographs, many mothers are encouraged to take them because they imagine that there will not be a next time to breastfeed another baby.

Others, because they were asked by their older children if they drank breast milk. With a photo of this type on some house wall, they will no longer be forgotten. Or simply because they want to take a professional quality memory of a moment that they live as special and unique.

These photography services usually have a reasonable price, from about 200 euros to the change, including the professional fees and a disc with the photo data.

Without a doubt, the period of breastfeeding is usually happy and remembered with love, why not keep a quality memory of this type (if you have enough resources, of course)? I think that this type of professional photographic services will become fashionable in many other places ...

I don't have professional photos breastfeeding my daughters, but some homemade photos that we occasionally look at together and that bring me beautiful memories. I look at them with some nostalgia, yes. How fast they grow ...

Via and Photo | Ajw Asahi In Babies and more | Beautiful photo report of a home birth, Birth Photographers, professional photographers for childbirth, Beautiful photos of breastfeeding mothers

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