Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): what it is, what its symptoms are and what treatments exist to control it

There are certain conditions or disorders that affect women of reproductive age, such as some hormonal diseases or imbalances. One of them is the Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). We tell you what it is, what its symptoms are and what treatments exist to control it.

What is polycystic ovarian syndrome?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, also called "Stein-Leventhal syndrome" or "polyphysical / polycystic ovarian disease", is associated with an imbalance of female sex hormones, which can cause changes in the menstrual cycle, cysts in the ovaries, difficulty getting pregnant and sometimes other health problems.

Its name is formed by the Greek component "poly", which means 'many' and 'cyst', which means 'closed sac', that is: ovaries with several cysts. This means that this disorder It is characterized by the presence of several small cysts in one or both ovaries, although as a rule they do not present any danger or need to be removed, since the cysts are benign, although many of the symptoms can cause emotional distress.

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This syndrome affects about 15 percent of women of reproductive age and most are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 30. Women who suffer from it may have difficulty getting pregnant., as well as presenting problems in pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia or premature delivery.

Symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome

Not all women with PCOS share the same symptoms, and some may have only one of them. Main symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome They are:

  • Absence of the menstrual period after having one or more normal menstrual periods during puberty (secondary amenorrhea).
  • Irregular menstrual periods, which can be intermittent and also variable in the amount of flow (very light or very abundant).

Other symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome They can also be:

  • Extra body hair that grows on the chest, abdomen and face, as well as around the nipples.
  • Acne on face, chest or back.
  • Changes in the skin such as thick or dark marks and skin folds around the armpits, English, neck and breasts.

If you have any of these symptoms, you should go to the gynecologist to check and be diagnosed and indicate a treatment if necessary.

Causes of polycystic ovarian syndrome

The exact cause of polycystic ovarian syndrome is unknown, but doctors know that there are environmental and genetic factors that contribute to the development of this disorder. Because the symptoms can be inherited, it is thought that this syndrome is due, at least in part, to a change or mutation in one or more genes.

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In some women, The ovary does not create all the hormones it needs for any of its ovules to mature. The follicles (the bag that contains the ovules) begin to grow and accumulate fluid, but do not get to release the ovule, so that some can become small cysts.

Lack of follicular maturation and the inability to release an egg probably are caused by low levels of follicle stimulating hormone. Ovulation has not occurred, so the hormone progesterone is not created: without it, the woman's menstrual cycle is irregular or absent. In addition, the cysts create male and androgen hormones, which also adds to the difficulty in ovulation.

Treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome has no cure, but diet, exercise, and medicines can help control symptoms. The doctor may recommend contraceptive pills to make menstrual cycles more regular and these medications will also help reduce the possible abnormal growth of hair and acne.

As weight gain and obesity is common in women who suffer from it, The doctor will recommend losing weight, as this can help treat hormonal changes. In addition, maintaining a healthy weight will also help improve the chances of conceiving, which as we have said before can make it difficult to suffer from this syndrome.

In most cases women with polycystic ovaries can conceive, but there will be certain cases in which difficulties will arise because of this syndrome. In these situations, infertility treatments are used, such as medicines, surgery or in vitro fertilization.

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He polycystic ovarian syndrome needs to be diagnosed and treated early to prevent problems such as those mentioned above, since this condition involves the risk of developing long-term problems and is also very important if you want to have a baby in the future.

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Video: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS Pathology and Treatment, Animation (July 2024).