Book: "For a birth without violence" by Frederick Leboyer

Frederick Leboyer is one of the key figures in the history of childbirth: a pioneer, a revolutionary and an eminence

This book, though written in 1976 and reissued, it is a classic, not only of obstetrics, but of life in general because birth (in most cases) is not a strictly medical affair, even if they take place in a hospital environment.

Mandala Ediciones comments on the following about the book:

"For a birth without violence, written in 1976, paradoxically, It is a time bomb, thrown into the consciousness of humans. It is shown by the title, which is a proclamation. And the content, which is a revelation and the beginning of a revolution.

With this book, it is the first time that medicine talks about the birth process from the baby's point of view that he will be born, from his avatars, from the experience of his birth. Where there is clearly an empathy for the baby on his journey to life. Then, the baby ceases to be the product of childbirth and goes from being the protagonist, the raison d'être of childbirth. The woman gives birth, the baby is born.

Leboyer reflects on intrinsic violence of birth for the newborn and to mitigate it, it offers us the keys to a birth without violence. "

The price is12 euros.

Below you have an interesting interview with Leboyer that we will discuss another day because we have much to learn from this man. And his work is the basis of Michel Odent and all those who defend a more humanized birth today.

As you can see Leboyer was a visionary Because talking about baby rights 30 years ago was a labor and social stigma.

But there are issues that do not understand times. Childbirth and respectful upbringing is the best now or centuries ago, but currently under the protection of science and also in hospitals / clinics that respect The sacred moment of birth.

Video: Kids Book Read Aloud: DAVID GOES TO SCHOOL by David Shannon (July 2024).