Blood tests to find out the sex of the baby at the 8th week of pregnancy

We knew that in the United States it is possible to take a test to know the sex of the baby and that in Spain a group of researchers were working in the same direction, but it has been a Granada-based laboratory called Lorgen in collaboration with the Maternal and Child Hospital Virgen de las Nieves of Granada and the Foundation for Biosanitary Research (FIBAO) the first to develop a new test that allows to know the 8th week of gestation if the baby will be a boy or girl with a reliability greater than 98 percent and at an affordable price.

It is no longer necessary to wait until it is an ultrasound near the 20th week that reveals the sex of our baby, as long as the position in which the baby is allowed, of course.

In addition to invasive means such as amniocentesis or chorionic hair biopsy, it is now also possible to know the sex of the baby in the first trimester in a safe way for both the mother and the baby through a mother's blood test that It allows you to isolate the baby's DNA to know their sex.

The test will serve to satisfy this little whim to parents, but it will also be very useful to detect certain diseases linked to the X chromosome, such as hemophilia or Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which mainly affects children.

It is a revolution for prenatal diagnosis, but for now anxious parents who want to quench their curiosity will have to pay between 120 and 130 euros, since the National Health Service only covers the cost of the test in case the family counts with a history of monogenic diseases.

We already see that the nerve ends by knowing the sex of the baby. Now there is an accessible way to find out shortly after becoming pregnant.

Video: Pregnancy Tips : How to Identify a Boy or a Girl in Pregnancy (July 2024).