More moms bloggers

We haven't updated the list of blogs written by dads and moms that proliferate on the web for a long time. In this case, it happens that everyone is a mother.

I have made one new selection of interesting blogs They stay updated, some more than others. Unfortunately there are many blogs that are being lost in the forgetfulness of outdated, for the most part I am sure that it is not for lack of desire but for lack of time.

Few things mothers like more than talking about their children, or writing about them. Internet has given them the opportunity to share your motherhood with unknown absolutes, and the sites that follow are the proof.

Violeta is a 2-year-old and 7-month-old girl with Down syndrome who "writes" the blog through her mother, who lovingly feeds on photos, anecdotes, reflections and awards.

Pistangelina written by Gemma, mother of two, Carles and Paula is a very pleasant space with almost four years of experience.

In Babies of Mom you can find information about pregnancy, natural childbirth, the puerperium and motherhood. Mai writes from Argentina, mother of three and a quarter on the way.

Share my motherhood is a very interesting blog nurtured by Zoe where maternal reflections, anecdotes, recommendations and photos are always mixed under the halo of the defense of childbirth and nurture respected.

Cristi's life was born to talk about Cristina but three months ago a new member of the family, Carmen, has joined. His mother tells the little ones about the little ones and shares their own feelings.

Some of honey and others of lemon as the days go by, is the blog of a multicultural mother and lover of the kitchen, you can already intuit it by name.

The last of the compilation is Hand in hand with you, the blog of Sandra, Saul's mother. It is a space made with a lot of dedication about the daily stories of your child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. With highly recommended information for other parents who live the same experience.

Video: A Day In My Life! Stay-At-Home Mom 2016 (July 2024).