Omega 3, also against depression in pregnancy

In our Special Pregnancy we have kindly emphasized the importance of eating a diet rich in omega 3 acids since they are essential for the baby's brain development. We have also learned about the importance of these nutrients to prevent blindness in premature babies.

A small trial conducted by scientists from the Hospital of the University of Medicine of China in Taiwan has found new benefits in omega 3 for pregnant women as they indicate that Treatment with supplements of these fatty acids reduces symptoms of severe depression in future moms. It is not strange as it has been discovered that they are effective, among other things, in treating mood disorders.

Depression in pregnancy is more frequent than we think, between 10 and 15% of pregnant women suffer from it, but unfortunately it is not given the importance it deserves. In many cases, it goes unnoticed because it is not easy to recognize or is often confused with symptoms of pregnancy such as hormonal changes, fatigue and concern for the new life we ​​will bring to the world.

According to scientists, it could be the demand of the developing baby that is responsible for the omega 3 decrease in the mother's body precipitating the onset of depression.

Therefore, when ingesting a supplement of these fatty acids, they observed that depression improved significantly in 62 percent of women who consumed omega-3.

Although they have said that larger studies are needed for omega 3 to be used as a primary treatment for depression in pregnancy, it is good news that an alternative to antidepressants that are harmful to the baby appears.

We remember that omega 3 fatty acids are present mainly in blue fish, but also in other foods such as flax seeds, nuts as well as milk, eggs, cookies and cereals enriched with omega 3 supplements.

Video: Omega 3 fatty acids and memory (May 2024).