Pregnancy calendar: from week 29 to week 32

In the previous post we have commented that the baby already has the appearance of a newborn but rather thinner. We enter the last trimester of pregnancy of the pregnancy calendar in which the child will accumulate the fat necessary to survive outside the womb and will gradually become more plump.

We are in the seventh month of pregnancy. There are only eight weeks left in which each day that the baby spends inside the mother's womb is essential for its development. In these weeks, no matter how much the weight of the gut begins to bother, do not neglect the exercise, much less a balanced diet to nourish the baby and to avoid gaining too much weight as it could be harmful for the time of delivery.

As usual, let's review the how the baby grows week by week throughout this month.

Week 29 of pregnancy

In the pregnancy week 29 (27 weeks from gestation) the baby weighs about 1,200 kg and measures 35 centimeters from the head to the buttocks. I want to clarify that the weight and height figures are estimates because each baby has its own growth rate.

The little one is already able to maintain his body temperature due to the layer of fat that accumulates under the skin, however he still needs the warmth of the maternal belly.

Your brain continues to develop rapidly generating new nerve cells and increasing brain tissue.

30th week of pregnancy

From the week 30 The baby begins to look for the definitive position to be born, if he has not done so before. Most are placed face down so it is very possible that you feel the kicks in the sternum area. However, there are also babies who sit on their buttocks, some change position before birth but others do not.

With 36 centimeters to the buttocks (about 42 cm from head to toe) and weighing approximately 1,350 grams, your lungs continue to mature and produce surfactant (see previous entry), a substance that will allow you to breathe on your own only when you leave the mother's belly and cut the umbilical cord. By the way, the umbilical cord is very funny. In addition to his own hands is his favorite toy inside the uterus.

Toenails and toenails, as well as eyelashes and hair have already formed and continue to grow.

Week 31 of pregnancy

In the week 31 The volume of the amniotic fluid in which the baby floats is half a liter, but your body grows and gradually occupies the capacity of the uterus. It measures 37 centimeters to the buttocks (43 cm to the feet) and its weight is 1,500 grams.

Your digestive system is almost mature, you can already move the intestine although it is not usual to do so. However, if you defecate, the placenta is responsible for filtering and renewing the amniotic fluid.

The baby turns its head from side to side, but its movements are no longer as free as weeks ago because it is harder to stretch and turn due to lack of space. Likewise, it does not stop moving and when you touch your belly, you can feel his arms and legs stretching. At this point you can start keeping track of your baby's movements and take him to the monthly medical consultation. Remember that if you notice any sign of inactivity out of the ordinary, you should see a doctor.

Week 32 of pregnancy

In the week 32, the last of the seventh month, the baby weighs around 1700 grams and measures 38 centimeters (44 cm from head to toe). His body is filling and contouring due to the fat that has been accumulating in recent weeks, but still will.

Your lung structure, digestive system and kidney are perfecting to function outside the uterus. The lungs practice breathing, the intestine can digest and the baby swallows amniotic fluid and urine. Over the next few weeks all organs will continue their maturation process.

With respect to the mother, in these first weeks of the third trimester you will begin to notice the typical discomforts of this period such as cramps, heartburn, difficulty breathing, heaviness in the legs and generalized fatigue.

At this point of pregnancy calendar You may have noticed sporadic uterine contractions called Braxton Hicks contractions. They are a preparation for childbirth, but they are not actual labor contractions since they are irregular. Like all muscles, the uterus needs to have some training at the time of giving birth.

Although they are painless you will feel some abdominal tension and that the gut hardens. However, there are certain alarm signs to consider. You should see a doctor if you have more than 4 contractions per hour with less than 36 weeks or 5 per hour with more than 36 weeks, if the contractions are accompanied by abdominal, pelvic or back pain, if they are accompanied by unusual vaginal discharge or in case of history of premature delivery.

Video: How to Calculate Your Pregnancy by Weeks, Months & Trimesters. Weeks into Months. Your Youtube Mom (July 2024).