Pregnancy calendar: from week 33 to week 36

As we have already mentioned in the previous post, in these last weeks of pregnancy calendar It is when the baby gains weight faster by making his body more round. You are accumulating the fat you will need to regulate your body temperature when you are born.

In general, its organs continue to improve to function outside the uterus, but let's go to the description of how the baby grows week by week in this eighth month of gestation.

Week 33 of pregnancy

In the week 33 of pregnancy, that is to say 31 weeks from conception, the baby measures about 45 centimeters to the heels, and weighs almost 2 kilos. You will surely notice that he performs more and more vigorous movements since his muscular tone is strengthening. Depending on the position in which it is placed you can feel the kicks with greater intensity.

In addition to being able to hear the sounds inside the gut and those outside with some interference, it is also able to see blurred images inside the uterus. Open and close your eyes and have periods of sleep and wakefulness like any newborn. You can even experience the REM phase of sleep or rapid eye movement, which is the stage of sleep in which we have more intense dreams. It would be very interesting to know what the baby dreams in the gut, it will surely evoke the sensations of his short life inside the womb.

Week 34 of pregnancy

In the week 34 The baby measures approximately 46 centimeters and weighs about 2,200 grams. Their lungs are almost completely formed and their bones have been hardening but they are still very flexible, including those in the head. His skull is not yet completely closed, which allows him to adapt more easily to the birth canal at birth. Therefore, some babies are born with a cone-shaped or crushed head, but this is reversed within a few days of birth.

The yellowish substance that covers the baby's skin called vernix caseosa becomes increasingly dense, which will also facilitate the task of crossing the birth canal. In turn, the lanugo, a thin layer of hair on its skin, begins to disappear. If I was born this week prematurely, the chances of survival are 99%, so I would surely get ahead without suffering any sequelae.

Week 35 of pregnancy

In the week 35 With 2,400 grams of weight and 47 centimeters his nervous system has matured almost completely, as well as fundamental organs such as the kidney and liver. From now on the little one will be dedicated mainly to gain weight.

As we mentioned last month, it is very likely that the baby has already taken the position to be born. Most do it face down. You may feel the pressure of the baby's weight on your pubic bone. His movements are somewhat limited by the lack of space, but that does not mean that he moves less. On the contrary, you will notice more abrupt movements.

In the week 36 Pregnancy, just one month from the expected date of delivery, the baby is 48 centimeters and weighs about 2,700 grams. As we have said before, lately it gains weight in accelerated steps, increasing between 250 and 300 grams per week.

Swallow and digest the amniotic fluid in which it floats, as well as vernix and other secretions. This dark green or blackish substance is called meconium and will form your first bowel movements.

Regarding preparations for childbirth. It is very likely that by now you have the bag ready to take to the hospital. If not, you should prepare it as soon as possible because from now on the baby could be born at any time. Make a list of things you should or want to do before giving birth and it is best to park work activities to fully enjoy the last month of pregnancy.

It is a stage of discomfort for the mother caused by the weight of the gut added to fatigue, fluid retention, cramping and difficulty sleeping.

36th week of pregnancy

In the last month of your pregnancy calendar, the frequency of medical consultations will be weekly to perform a more thorough control. The doctor will measure the thickness of the cervix and check if the dilation has begun through a vaginal touch. It may be that women who have already given birth before have a dilation of a few centimeters at this point. On the other hand, the frequency of the baby's heartbeat is also measured through fetal monitoring.

If you have not done so before, it is time to talk with your doctor about the care you will be given during childbirth and about your preferences regarding epidural anesthesia, episiotomy, delivery position, etc.

Video: How to Calculate Your Pregnancy by Weeks, Months & Trimesters. Weeks into Months. Your Youtube Mom (July 2024).