35 things you were not told before becoming a father

As much as one prepares, nothing prepares you to be a father. As much as friends and family have told you. As much as we live in the information age and have the experience of thousands of people and experts at your fingertips. As much as you live the day to day of other parents through social networks.

With all that information, one gets an idea in the head of what it is to be a father, and then reality gives one an affectionate stir. So which paternal hitchhiker's guide, these are 35 things you were not told before becoming a father (or you didn't want to find out when they told you).

  • What were you going to wish so hard for someone to take care of your baby for a while to rest, and miss him as soon as they take him.
  • That you were going to spend an hour sleeping a baby to wake up at 10 minutes.
  • That after sleeping those 10 minutes of nap, the baby would wake up with the energy of having slept a whole night.
  • Than you weren't going to have more conversation than if your baby eats, shits or sleeps well. Although over time it expands to whether it crawls, if it walks or if it says "gugu tata".
  • Than you were going to accumulate the series on Netflix, because you were going to sleep with the remote in your hand
  • That when they told you to go to dinner at 10, it would seem "early in the morning."
In Babies and more15 tips for new parents: how to survive the first month of the baby
  • That the YouTube recommendations of your iPad were going to be invaded by a thousand variants of Johnny Johnny Yes Papa.
  • That you were going to learn a thousand lullabies, but that your baby would like to sleep with Rocío Durcal (this is true).
  • Than baby clothes are absurdly expensive for the little that lasts and the little fabric it carries.
That when the baby fell asleep you would feel so much joy, although in silence, in case you wake up
  • That even if you went to the mall to buy some pants, you would go home with clothes for the baby.
  • That baby clothes were going to take up so much space in the closet being so small.
  • Than you weren't going to have anywhere to keep the clothes that have run out of small "In case you look for the second one".
  • You were going to have the kitchen invaded by sterilizers and mini-kitchen robots and the fridge and freezer full of baby food instead of beer.
  • That you were going to cook more for your baby than for you.
In Babies and more The eternal loneliness of the first-time father
  • That your friends without children would not understand that all you want is sleep.
  • That you were never going to be clear if you had too much or too little shelter, if it is hot or cold.
  • That you were able to carry so much weight on it for so long and with a smile!
  • That you were going to feel so much fear and joy at the same time.
  • That although the little one had a bad night and you didn't sleep for two hours in a row, his smile when he saw you would make everything worthwhile.
That even if I had the dining room full of toys, I was going to want to play open drawers
  • That your favorite shirt would never be clean because the child's clothes have priority in the washing machine.
  • Than your baby was going to be better dressed than you.
  • That he wasn't going to use half of the pots or toys that you would buy him.
  • Let them give what they gave to your baby, you will always feel more fascination with the box.
  • That the room was going to be invaded by an army of brightly colored toys that would spoil Feng Shui.
  • Than you were going to be able to recognize your baby's cry from the other side of Ikea.
  • That when you finally went out for a day to have a drink, you would get drunk with the first sip of the gin and tonic.
  • Than In the trunk of the car, only the baby car was going to fit, however compact and foldable you will buy it.
  • That it would be the most natural thing for you smell an ass to see if it has poop.
  • That the first time he got sick, even if it was just a cold, you were going to suffer from seeing their faces and not knowing whether to go to the emergency room because he has coughed.
  • That you were going to spend almost a thousand euros in a stroller that you have used 6 months (because then you will want one of scissors that fits you in the trunk).
  • Than you were going to taste every second of every nap that your baby gave you.
  • That you were going to be late for the places because all the grandmothers in the neighborhood were going to stop and say something to the baby.
  • That you were going to be so happy.

Video: 11 Signs Youre Finally Ready to Have a Kid (July 2024).